
Start from the beginning

"Really?" She asked softly.

"Yes really," Andrew nodded as he pulled the girl's legs towards him, trying to get her closer to him. "Can't tell just anyone. Only the important people."

"I'm sorry." Sophia whispered, biting her lip nervously.

"You're fine, don't apologize," Andrew whispered back, taking her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, speaking softly against her skin, "Just don't want you to worry. I want you to trust me."

"I do trust you, I swear." Sophia pulled away, anxiety dripping in her voice.

"I know, I know," Andrew did his best to calm her immediately, nodding his head. "I want you to know how important you are to me, alright? You're the so important— The most important."


real life | surrey, england
andrew's apartment
- december 17th, 2021

"YOU REALLY didn't have to get me anything." Sophia sighed as Andrew placed a wrapped present in her lap. The two sat in the living room of the apartment, after they had just finished watching Tangled and Sophia had given Andrew a full performance of every song.

"Yes, I did," Andrew smiled, kissing her lips with a peck. "Merry Christmas, love."

Glancing up at him with a grin, Sophia began to rip open the paper. Her eyes stared at the box before a large smile graced on her lips, shouting, "No way!"

Andrew laughed at her reaction while Sophia tore off the rest of the paper, holding up the box that held the Lego flowers set. Sophia shook her head, laughing, "How did you know I wanted this? Sorry, this seems really stupid."

"It's not stupid," Andrew assured her as he sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. "It's not the most serious present, but it's something you want. You are allowed to have the things you want."

"Thank you," Sophia whispered before hugging her boyfriend tightly. "I'm waiting till you come back to LA so we can build it together."

"You don't have to." Andrew grinned at her.

"We're doing this together, it'll be fun." Sophia promised before reaching into the box again, pulling out a red Spiderman baby tee. "Seriously?"

"Let me have my fun."


real life | los angeles
movie theater
- december 18th, 2021

       "I CANNOT BELIEVE you flew to Los Angeles for less then two days just to watch Spiderman: No Way Home with Tobey," Sophia scoffed as Andrew drove the two of them to the theater. "Actually, I can't believe that Tobey invited me too!"

"I wasn't really surprised," Andrew shrugged, handing the girl his phone so she could scroll through the texts. "He texted me like, 'You're dating that girl, right? Sophia?'"

"He knew my name?" Sophia raised her voice, her eyes wide.

"Not the point, baby," Andrew gave her a look. "And I told him, 'How did you know?' He didn't answer, but he was like, 'You should bring her when we go see the movie so I can meet her.'"

"I cannot believe fucking Spider-Man wants to me!" Sophia shook her head in disbelief, smiling excitedly.

"Don't fan-girl on me, Moony." Andrew told her as he parked the car. The two put on their hats and masks, wearing hoodies to make them seem even more normal.

Andrew slipped his hand into his girlfriend's before walking towards a grey car. Sophia tried not to let her eyes widened when Tobey Maguire stepped out of the car. He hugged Andrew happily, the two exchanging greetings before the older man turned to Sophia, "Hi, I'm Tobey, it's so nice to meet you."

"I'm Sophia, it's great to meet you too!" Sophia introduced herself before the two exchanged a friendly hug.

"You know Sophia, this guy very much loves to talk about you—"


real life | los angeles
lax parking garage
- december 20th, 2021

"I'M GOING to miss you," Sophia whispered into Andrew's chest as the two stood in the LAX parking garage. His flight back to Surrey was in an hour and a half, so Sophia was dropping him off.

"Believe me darling, I'm going to miss you more." Andrew whispered back, kissing the top of her head. He glanced down at her, noticing her glossy eyes, "Hey, no tears, alright? It's only a few weeks."

"Two months." Sophia corrected and Andrew grinned, tightening his arms around her.

"Well, when you say it like that—" Andrew joked and Sophia laughed, shaking her head. He leaned down, titling the girl's chin up so he could let their lips meet. Sophia gladly kissed back before pulling away, "Bye love."

"Have a safe flight." Sophia smiled as they hugged once more before part ways.

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now