Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 [The movie is not over yet]

    The scene changed and appeared in a villa in a mountain forest.

    A middle-aged man in a suit got out of the car, got a key from under a flower pot next to the house, and opened the door.

    There was no sound in the house, and the living room was a little messy, as if it hadn't been tidied up for a long time.

    The man walked to a studio on the second floor. The curtains were drawn, and nothing could be seen in the room, which looked a little eerie.

    The man carefully turned on the light, revealing everything in the room.

    There are messy drawing boards standing around, and the paintings on them are large distorted and blurred blocks of color, and various inks are scattered on the floor. In the center of the floor, Yang Xingyuan's hands and hair are covered with ink, and he is lying on the ground with his eyes closed. act recklessly.

    Seeing this scene, the man looked nervous, and hurriedly walked up to him in three steps at a time, pushing and breathing at him: "Jiang Hua? Jiang Hua! Wake up!" "Hmm..." Jiang Hua wiped his face

    . He looked at his face, as if he was suddenly awakened from a dream.

    After waking up, Jiang Hua was still in the studio, listless, holding a bowl of oatmeal, drinking every sip.

    The man who looked like a manager asked Jiang Hua: "The last time I contacted you was a day and a half ago, and you didn't eat anything before that?"

    Jiang Hua didn't answer him directly, with a lazy expression, as if he couldn't mention anything interest.

    After a pause, the manager said humanely, "Are you still thinking about that painting?"

    This time Jiang Hua had a reaction and stopped moving.

    "You continue to eat." The manager said, and walked to a wall of the studio.

    This wall was clean, and only one painting was placed in the center.

    This painting is gray, with low saturation, and it can even be said to be blurry. You can only see a distorted figure that looks like a person but not like a person.

    "You clearly painted this painting yourself. I don't understand why you are so obsessed with it. This is a treatment you have never had in other works. The sunset you won the Monet Award three years ago was not like this... And no matter how I look at it, it's just a back view..."

    Before the manager finished speaking, Jiang Hua interrupted him, and suddenly became agitated: "No, I didn't draw it, it existed in the first place, It was just born from my hands!"

    "I have..." He put the bowl on the ground excitedly, walked into the room, and pointed to several paintings: "I have drawn so many paintings to explain the feeling it wants to convey..." Speaking of which

    , He fell into anxiety: "Even if I can explain less than one percent, but if you look at it again, can't you really feel it?!"

    He walked to the gray painting of the back again, revealing With a look of obsession and frenzy.

    The manager glanced at the crumbling and distorted paintings in the room, and shook his head to persuade him: "Try a different style, Jiang Hua, this weird style is too advanced, not everyone can appreciate it, I think you have been too lately. I'm tired, and my mental state is not very good, I know a psychiatrist..."

    "Get out!" Jiang Hua drove away the manager angrily: "You only have eyes on how much my paintings can sell. I can't understand! You are becoming more and more spiritual, and you can at least understand my paintings." "

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