Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

    On Tuesday afternoon, Tang Lang came to the cinema alone.

    Catch up with the working day, there are not so many people in the movie theater, and Tang Lang has money and leisure during this time, so he found a free time to watch a movie.

    As a sci-fi fan, he wants to watch his long-awaited Star Wars.

    Before that, he had already read "Country Teacher".

    And I went to see it for the first time, because Wei Lan's negative marketing on the Internet brought a bunch of fans who couldn't understand her behavior. They thought she was talented and let go, and she dared to touch Chen Yuanhang only if she had some achievements. With such a great director, how dare a low-budget sci-fi be called sci-fi? Science fiction should be a big scene, a feast of imagination.

    The goodwill accumulated in "Sword and Sword 4" was wiped out, Tang Lang suddenly became Wei Lan's black fan, and he was still so bored that he went to watch "Country Teacher" in the first scene, wanting to see how bad it is. The kind of blackness of this movie.

    But after reading it, he obediently chose to turn off the microphone on the Internet.

    Want to say that the plot sucks? He really cried when he read the story about Mr. Li. The flowers of hope that bloomed in the poor mountains and rivers moved him, a child who grew up in a greenhouse. He asked himself, if he had a choice, he would definitely not want to go to To be a teacher in a village like in the movie, and the more things you don’t have and can’t do, the more people will yearn for it.

    His conscience prevented him from saying bad things about Teacher Li, or those teachers who silently dedicated themselves to the cause of education shown in the movie.

    Not enough science fiction? But the detailed scenes of the solar system, the explosive point of singularity enough to destroy a sun, and the cruelty of the universe reflected in the dialogue between aliens and human elites... Its novelty and shockingness make it difficult for a science fiction fan to refute.

    But as a black fan who was slapped in the face and hurt a lot, even if he was sure that "Country Teacher" was not a bad movie, he still didn't want to turn around and boast like some other "really fragrant" black fans this movie.

    At least, he still has high expectations for the "Star Wars" that he has been looking forward to before.

    At best, he admits that "Country Teacher" was well filmed, but "Star Wars" with its star-studded and spectacular scenes is the best! The spiritual core doesn't matter, the movie should only be worth watching the big scenes to be worth the ticket price!

    Enter the movie hall with great interest, and enter the movie world with great interest.

    Taking over the plot of the previous one, Whitman Star, which represents another force, has invaded the planet Gardner where the protagonist is located.

    The alarm bell rang, and Princess Gardner, who was sleeping in the previous movie, was awakened. She picked up the long sword and was about to kill her former lover. At this moment, there was a loud noise.

    The palace behind her was smashed by a huge mechanical foot.

    Amidst the passionate soundtrack, a fierce and luxurious mech appeared outside the palace, aiming its barrel at the two of them.


    The gunfire rang out, and the gun barrel in the mecha's hand pointed at the princess and the interstellar bandit. The machine gun turned, sparks scattered, and the bullets shot out.

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