Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

At this time, a well-known private tumor hospital in Yongjing City was surrounded by reporters who had heard the news. This was still a situation where strict guard against movie fans, the hospital had to call in the police to maintain order.

I haven't got the exact news yet, but the title of the press release has already been typed in the hands of the reporter, and they are waiting for the time to send it out.



#Ten people who won the Linglan Lifetime Achievement Award in the 20s, she is one of them #

威兰的生活,在别人It seems that it is a hardcore biographical movie.

It seems that since she turned out to be a micro movie at the age of eighteen, it was to show people in all directions what a real genius is.

When she got the terminal cancer examination report three months ago, she was still filming on the set. At that time, she held her aching head and yelled at the set designer who had been unable to achieve the effect with a loudspeaker: "If I He died of cerebral hemorrhage, arrest Lao Zhou immediately, he is the murderer!"

The personal assistant who went to retrieve the inspection report for her handed the report to Wei Lan tremblingly.

Wei Lan took it casually, looked at it twice: "Oh, so it's because of brain cancer, it's okay."

After finishing the report, he put aside the report and picked up the loudspeaker again: "Lao Zhou is not the murderer--"

The set was quiet, and everyone Qi Qi looked over and heard Wei Lan's voice resounding on the set:

"But if Lao Zhou dies, I will be the murderer !


When she chose to stop working, go to chemotherapy or find a way to prolong her life as much as possible, she concealed the news from the outside world. Except for the necessary basic treatment, she devoted all her energy and energy to the movie in her hands.

The finishing work of the film was completed as quickly as possible. On the day the film was released, Wei Lan was unable to support himself anymore and entered the intensive care unit of the hospital.

As a matter of course, it was originally a big hit movie, but because of the announcement of Wei Lan's illness, the movie became popular all over the world and set a new record for the highest box office in movie history.

But the movie craze has not passed yet, and Wei Lan's body can no longer support it.

When she was dying, Wei Lan refused everyone's visits. Before she died, she wanted to be quiet. In the intensive care ward of the private hospital, there were only her attending doctor and two nurses.

One of the nurses was a loyal fan of Wei Lan, and at this point in time, she couldn't help crying.

The attending doctor and another nurse also quietly had red eyes. They walked on the street and asked casually. Nine out of ten people have watched Wei Lan's movie. It is always sad and sad that an excellent director is about to leave this world.

Wei Lan glanced at them through the oxygen mask. As the saying goes, people who are dying have good words, and the tyrant on the set comforted them with a rare, gentle, and humorous way.

This is also the last sentence of her life -

"What's so sad, this account has been cancelled, the next one will be better..." ... "

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