
Start from the beginning

"Oh, we make you feel like garbage, Sophia? ¿De verdad?" Angelica asked back. "And how do you think we feel? Your father and I? We have a daughter who disrespects us every time she visits! A daughter who refuses to grow up and get a real job! A disappointment of a daughter!"

There it was.

A a shaky breath left Sophia's lips as her mother said the words. A fresh set of tears raised to her green eyes as Sophia felt her heart shatter into a million little pieces. She licked her lips, feeling tears finally streamed down her face while she held back a sob.

Wiping her tears, Sophia whispered softly, "Bye Mami."

Hanging up the call, Sophia tossed her phone to the side before covering her mouth with her hands. Then, she broke, multiple sobs leaving her lips as Sophia desperately tried to muffle the sound. Her chest hurt, her vision was blurry, and there was a ringing in her ears as her mind tried to process the words.

Her mother finally said it. She was a disappointment. Of course Sophia knew that, but her saying it was different. It was soul-crushing.

"Moony, you awake?" Sophia heard Andrew's voice as he knocked on her door and her body froze. Fuck, she was crying. He couldn't see her like this.

Getting up from her bed, Sophia wiped her face hurriedly as she placed her hand on the door knob. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door slowly. Her eyes fell on Andrew and Sophia immediately wanted to cry all over again. He looked so comforting. He was so Andrew.

Their eyes met and Andrew opened his mouth to speak before closing it once he saw the look on her face. Whispering, "What happened?"

Her vision blurred again and that's how Sophia knew she was crying again. Andrew reached for her wrist, asking in a low voice to not cause her more panic, "Can I hug you?"

Nodding immediately, Sophia bit her lip as Andrew pulled her into his arms. Her face gently hit his chest and Sophia knew she was safe again. He cupped the back of her head, "It's okay. You can cry, all you want. I've got you, love."

Waterworks again: Slowly, Sophia let out another sob and more and more followed after that. Andrew let Sophia back into her bed, taking her in his lap as he hugged her.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Andrew whispered softly, cupping her face and pulling her away from his chest so he could look at her.

"It's stupid." Sophia mumbled.

"Don't say that, it's not stupid if you're crying about it." Andrew told her, shaking his head.

"I'm not going to Miami for Christmas this year. I'm staying in LA with Laila and Minnie, none of us are going back. My brother called me and my family found out," Sophia explained shakily. "And my mom yelled of course, she said some things— She said I was a disappointment."

"I'm sorry," Andrew whispered as his thumbs brushed her cheeks, looking at her. "You know she's wrong, love. You're anything but a disappointment."

"It just hurts," Sophia cried and Andrew wiped her face. "My mom said that. My mother! That's literally why I don't want to go back for Christmas. I feel like shit every time I go!"

"I don't blame you," Andrew told her. "They're cruel to you. You shouldn't go back if you don't feel loved when you go. They're your family."

"I don't know anymore," She whispered. "Laila and Minnie, they're my family."

"I'm here for you, Moony. Please know that." Andrew whispered back before kissing her forehead softly, making Sophia grin slightly. She glanced up at him, her eyes meeting his once again. She leaned in further into him, gathering her courage to glance down at his lips.

Licking his own lips, Andrew shook his head. He held the girl's face, "Not now, Soph."

Slowly, Sophia backed away and wiped her tears. She stood up from his lap, nodding, "Sorry."

"No, don't apologize—" Andrew tried to say.

"No, it's fine. I'm sorry—" Sophia cut him off, shaking her head as she turned away.

"Sophia, I adore you." Andrew said, raising his voice slightly so the blonde would hear him. Her eyes widening, Sophia turned around to face him at his words. Intertwining their hands, Andrew kissed the top of Sophia's hands, smiling at her, "I'm bloody crazy about you."

"Really?" Sophia whispered as her cheeks turned pink and she resisted a lovesick grin.

"Yes, really, Moony!" Andrew exclaimed and Sophia giggled, shaking her head. He squeezed her hands, "What are the odds you go out with me tonight, on a date?"

"I'd say your odds are pretty high, Garfield." Sophia nodded immediately as her perfect smile took over her lips, making Andrew's heart soar.

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now