"Listen, the guest room. You know where it is, take her up there—" Jamie tried to make it up to his friend.

Rolling his eyes, Andrew scoffed, "I'm not going to have sex with Sophia in the guest room while everyone is downstairs!"

"No one said anything about fucking mate, but we clearly know where your mind is." Jamie retorted back.

"Shut up, please Jamie, for the love of God." Andrew begged as the two walked into the large living room where all the other guests where. He immediately scanned the room for the girl he almost kissed (Andrew was very pissed off,) and found her sitting with Amelia, Samantha, Hannah, and Lola Avila (Ben's 'it's complicated.') Sophia had a glass of wine in her hand as she and Lola were talking excitedly to each other.

"They're from neighboring cities in Colombia." Ben walked up to Andrew with two beers in his hand, gesturing to their two 'it's complicated's. He handed the other beer to Andrew, giving him a smirk, "You're going to need this. Jamie told me what happened."

"Lovely." Andrew rolled his eyes, swinging back a sip of the beer.

"Which means in a couple drinks he'll be blabbing to everyone about how you're serious enough about Sophia to wait this long to kiss her," Ben added and Andrew groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"What is it with you lads and dating pretty, 20-something Latinas?" Jonathan Taylor, a British producer for the DC movies walked up to the fellow Brits with a smirk. Immediately, Andrew tensed up at the tone of the man's voice. Jonathan had always been off-putting— Rather strange to everyone. The only reason he was invited to these events was through word of mouth, because he was connected to so many other actors.

"We're not dat—" Ben began to say and Andrew shook his head, not letting his best friend finish.

"Don't be jealous, Taylor." Andrew replied, cutting Ben off. His heart began to race at the idea of Jonathan getting anywhere near Sophia if he knew she was technically single. Andrew sent Ben a quick look, and the man nodded, playing along.

Grabbing Ben's arm, Andrew pulled him away from the other man, mumbling, "If that bastard gets anywhere near Sophia, I'm clocking him in the face."

"Getting protective, aren't we?" Ben teased before his face fell. "Wait, he didn't hear me say that I wasn't dating Lola, right? Wait, isn't he married?"

"Do you think that means something to him?" Andrew whispered, shaking his head. "It's his third marriage."

"Ben!" The dark-haired man turned around immediately at the sound of Lola's voice.

"Coming, love!" Ben called back, patting his friend's shoulder before walking away. Andrew let out a laugh, shaking his head at his lovesick friend.


      SITTING AT A large round table, Andrew had cards in his hands, playing a card game with Jamie, Robert, Eddie, Ben, Charlie, and a few of Jamie's friends. One of Jamie's producer friends spoke, making casual conversation, "So Andrew, how long have you and Sophia been together?"

Robert's laugh stifled, trying not to choke on the beer he just drank while Ben and Jamie smirked. Andrew smiled, "We're not together. Not officially, you could say."

"Sorry for assuming," He apologized. "You sure do act like it, mate."

"Don't they?" Jamie repeated with a smirk, holding back a chuckle.

"How long are you going to keep her waiting, Drew?" Robert asked, glancing at his friend.

"I don't know, we're figuring stuff out." Andrew shrugged, taking a sip of his beer.

"You go back to London in just a few days, mate." Ben reminded and Andrew sighed softly.

"And then she's flying there in a week, I'll probably do it then." Andrew replied nonchalantly with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"She's going to London?" Eddie questioned.

"Bought her ticket last week." Andrew nodded, trying not to seem too proud.

"Oh, you bought her ticket?" Charlie smirked and glanced at the others. "He's whipped gentlemen, the girl isn't even paying for her own ticket."

"Yeah, I'm sure you've got Blondie in a first class flight and in a five-star hotel, don't you, Drew?" Robert teased.

"The first class flight, yes, but not the hotel. She's staying with me," Andrew answered and his friends all turned to him with knowing smirks. "I have a guest room, you horny idiots!"

"You're right about that one, Drew!" Hannah giggled as she, Amelia, Samantha, Lola and Sophia all walked into the dining room.

"Won't tell you about which part though." Amelia smirked as she ran a hand through her husband's hair, making Jamie smile.

"Uh-oh, baby Dornan #4 is coming soon!" Eddie joked and Amelia and Jamie immediately shook their heads, denying. Sophia grinned as she walked over to Andrew's side. The man let his eyes meet hers, giving her a warm smile. He was tempted to guide her into his lap, but instead just helped her sit on the arm of his chair while he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"We're done. Three is enough." Jamie confirmed, causing the table to laugh. "Ed, Lia, what about you two?"

Sophia and Andrew turned their attentions to each other, the conversation at the table around them fading out. He grinned up at her, running his fingers through the ends of her blonde hair. Andrew licked his lips once he realized Sophia had her eyes on them, causing blush to rise to the girl's face. He mumbled, "You're gorgeous, you know that?"

"You're buzzed." Sophia whispered back with her perfect smile, placing a hand on his shoulder to steady her.

"No, I'm not," Andrew assured her, pulling her hair a bit just to tease her. Sophia shook her head, feeling her cheeks heating up, "I can't tell you you're pretty while sober?"

"You already did."

"Then I'm telling you again, and now I'm telling you again, completely sober" Andrew smirked back, whispering to her. "That you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

Feeling her heart skip a beat at his words, Sophia did her best to resist the urge to kiss Andrew right then and there. She couldn't hold back her cheesy grin, making her shake her head before going to respond to him—

"Sophia, I hear you're going to London in a week or two."

The pair met eyes one more time before turning so Sophia could answer Charlie's question. Andrew had an arm around her waist, fidgeting around with the satin of the dress. Meanwhile, Sophia had on her charming grin like she always did, trying to pretend as if Andrew didn't just say the most romantic words she had ever heard to her. Andrew glanced up at her, making up his mind. He was going to take out her on a date whilst they were in London. He was going to do everything in London. Where they couldn't be interrupted.

i love this chapter
also i'll update hopeless romantic soon i promise LMAOO

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