chapter 57.

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"Hey." The sound of my Moms voice comes up behind me as I go to make my way upstairs. "What?" I groan, turning back around so that I'm facing her. "Clearly something has put you in a bad mood, and we can talk about if you want, but you need to apologise to your sister first. That's was a little harsh," she orders.

I know she's right, and I instantly regretted the way I spoke to Rose. I took how I was feeling out on her and she didn't deserve that.

I nod, taking a deep breath before heading back through to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry," I admit, tapping on my sisters shoulder as she whips her head around to me. A little smile curls onto her lips as she opens her arms up.
I place my coffee down on the counter and lift her up, placing her on my hip. "I'm sorry for saying that you're in a bad mood," she mumbles, resting her head on my shoulder.

I smile lightly and kiss her cheek. "I love you, Rosie," I tell her. "I love you too," she smiles, squeezing her little arms around my shoulders.

"Sweetheart, do you wanna go wake Colin up?" Mom questions, brushing the hair out of my sisters face. "But he has really bad breath in the morning," she whines to which we both chuckle.

"Bring him some mints," she suggests as I put her down. "Fine," she agrees, rolling her eyes playfully.

When Rose out the room, I take a seat where she was previously sitting and sip in my coffee as Mom leans over the counter.

"Did something happen?" She asks gently. "Not really, but also yes. Apparently Willow's being mean to Addy and was saying stuff about us, but she wouldn't tell me what it was that Willow said and then I got annoyed which meant Addy got annoyed too," I explain.

"Well, do you think maybe she didn't want to tell you because she was scared?" She suggests, shrugging. "Why would she be scared to tell me?" I question. "I don't know, but make sure she knows that she can open up to you. Some people, like Willow, say really shitty things and even know you know better than to believe them, sometimes it still makes you doubt a little," she explains gently.

I listen intently to what she's says and when I finish my coffee, I put my empty mug in the sink and nod. "Okay, thank you," I say with a small smile. She presses her lips against my forehead before I head back upstairs.

As I close my bedroom door behind me, Addy comes out of my bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Can I borrow some clothes?" She asks. "Of course."

When she starts going through my drawers, I sit on the end of my bed, tucking my hands under my thighs. "Addy?"

"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?" I assure her. "I already told you I don't wanna talk about it," she mumbles. "I know, I'm just reminding you that I'm here for you," I tell her.
She turns around to me with and nods before taking a deep breath.

"Willow said that you're probably just going to break up with me the moment you started gaining more fame once your movie comes out and I thought it was stupid because I know you're not like that, but I think a part of me is scared that she's right and that I'm gonna lose you," she explains sadly, her voice a little shaky.

My face falls into a frown as I stand back up and hold her cheeks in my palms. "I promise you Addy, I'm not going anywhere. I literally can not imagine what my life would be like without you, genuinely. I love you, and never plan on letting you go," I tell her, using my thumb to wipe away the single tear that fell down her cheek.

"I love you too, so much," she whispers before slowly pressing her lips against mine.

"As far as I'm aware, Willow can kiss my ass," I joke.
She pouts.
"No, only I get to do that."
I raise an eyebrow and giggle slightly. "Yes, only you're allowed to do that," I say, patting her head.

"Good. Now I'm getting dressed," she decides, picking her jeans up from the floor that she was wearing yesterday and a pale yellow shirt from my drawer and heading back into the bathroom.

Whilst she changes, I get a plain white long sleeved shirt out as well as a dress that was Mom's when she was a teenager.

Once Addy is done in the bathroom, we both brush our teeth before heading downstairs. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I offer. "That's alright, I'm gonna go home for a few and get my school stuff and I'll probably just get Starbucks on the way," she says.
"Alright, I'll see you at school then."
"See you soon," she smiles, pecking my lips before walking out the door.

"You two work it out?" Mom asks as I enter the kitchen again. "Yeah," I nod with a slight smile, sitting on the stool next to my Dad. He pulls me into his side and ruffles my hair slightly. "Morning," he says. "Morning," I smile, wrapping my arms around him.

"So we've figured out how Atlanta's going to work," Mom starts. "Yeah?"
"I've gotta be there for your my own filming for your first two weeks there anyway, so we can stay together, but I do have to be home after that so Lizzie said you're welcome to stay with her for the last week if that's okay with you?"

I'm shooting the Scarlet Witch solo movie for the last few weeks of October (a little in November too but that's back in LA) so it's still a while away but I'm so excited to see Lizzie again. I get to meet Kathryn and Aubrey too which I've still not processed properly.

"Sound more excited to get away from me," Mom teases. "It's not that. Lizzie just the fun aunt, you know," I shrug. "I know, but you watch her go all mama mode on you."

I was gonna say something but now I've forgotten but 10 days till HARRYYYYY

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