chapter 13.

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"What do you mean you don't think so?" The paramedic asks. I shrug, my gaze remaining down at my lap. Out the corner of my eye, I see him and Robin share a knowing look.

"Lexie honey," Robin gently takes my hand. "That man who tried to hurt you today, has he hurt you before?"

At her question I burst out into tears. It was never something I'd planned to ever admit to anyone because I hate that it happened. I hate that I couldn't stop it, and I hate that no matter how hard I try not to, I can't help but blame myself.

I think by my reaction they were both aware of the answer. Robin passed me some tissues and squeezed my hand tightly in reassurance.

When we arrived at the hospital I was brought into the emergency room and still, Officer Quinton was with me. I'm not sure why, but I think I overheard her talking to a doctor just a moment ago about 'CPS' again, whatever the hell that means.

When Robin came back over to me, she pulled out a chair and sat down beside my bed. There's a lot of people in the emergency department right now which makes me feel a little overwhelmed, but having someone by my side might help.

"I think they're trying to get a hold of your dad but haven't been able to reach him," she says. "Oh, please don't call my dad. He doesn't speak to me anymore so he won't come," I explain. She breathes deeply with a sad smile, "Okay, I'll see what I can do. Is there anyone else? Any extended family in California?"
"No. I only have my grandma and she's in Connecticut," I inform her to which she nods. "Am I allowed to call one of my friends or her mom instead?" I question with a shaky voice. "I'm sorry, Lexie but at the moment there's a few things we need to go over first before we can allow visitors," she explains.

I swallow the lump in my throat and push back the tears threatening to fall. I really wish I had someone here right now, like Annie, or her mom, or Scarlett. I've grown very attached to her, very quickly.

Scarlett. Work. I need to tell them I can't come to set because I can't just not show up. Plus, Reese is meant to be picking me up in a few hours and I'm not going to be there.

As I go to turn on my phone, it dies immediately. "Is there a phone charger I can borrow?" I ask Robin. "I'm not sure, why?" She questions. "I need to tell work I can't come in."
"What's the number, you can call them from my phone," she offers.

I don't have anybody's phone number memorised except for Reese's, so I send him a message and ask him to pass it on. I didn't really know what I should say so all I told him was the I was really sick and wasn't going to be able to work. Within five minutes he had replied and passed on the message.

"Hi, I'm Dr Grey. I'm just going to give you a few stitches here...Lexie. Hey, we have the same name," a brunette comes over and picks up my chart. As she reads further I see her face visibly drop which makes me worry more than I already am. "Does anyone know if Dr Montgomery has been paged down here?" She calls out. "She'll be down once she's done with her patient," a black haired woman in navy blue scrubs tells her.

For the next ten minutes Dr Grey cleans up the cuts on my face and the one above my collarbone before stitching them up.

"I'm going to find you a gown or some clean scrubs for you to change into and then I think Dr Montgomery will be with you," she explains. "Thank you," I mumble. She sends me a quick smile before getting up.

"Do you think I have to stay the night? I just want to go home and sleep," I ask Robin with a slight chuckle. "You have a concussion honey, I think they want to monitor you for the next twenty-four hours," she sighs with an empathetic smile.

"What about my mom? Is she okay?" I question. "She will be fine," she tells me. "Okay. Can I see her soon?"

Robin takes my hand. "Lexie," she sighs, "for the time being, we're not allowed to let you near your mom."
"What? Why?" I frown. "When your neighbours called us explaining what they heard earlier today, they mentioned it wasn't the first time and due to your injuries, we've had to get Child Protective Services involved and they're going to be here later to ask you some questions about your home life."

Oh, so that's what 'CPS' stands for.

"What's going to happen?" I ask, confused as to where this is going. "Well, that's depended upon what CPS thinks is best for you and your safety."

I nod with tears in my eyes as Dr Grey comes back over with a hospital gown. "Dr Montgomery is still going to be a while, but due to the fact you're going to stay the night, we have a room for you up on the Paediatric wing if you'd like to follow me. That way you can take a shower as well," she smiles warmly. I nod and slowly get off the bed, grabbing my phone as well. I felt like people were staring at me which made me slightly uncomfortable, so subconsciously I held onto Dr Grey's hand.

I hadn't realised until she turned back to look at me with a smile. She squeezed my hand gently and we continued to walk to the elevators.

When we got up to the room I placed my phone on the table next to bed and was handed the gown. "When you take a shower just try to avoid getting your stitches wet," she tells me to which I nod.


After my shower, Robin had left the room and so had Dr Grey, leaving me alone. To be completely honest, I really wish I could have someone in here with me right now.

I decide to sit down on the bed and turn on the tv considering my phone battery is dead. At least they had decent channels to choose from.
Right now though, I'm regretting my decision to not bring my laptop or something.

Only ten minutes later, another doctor came in the room. "Hi Lexie, I'm Dr Montgomery," she introduces herself. "Hi," I mumble.

She had brought in what she explained was an ultrasound machine and put some gel on my stomach which might I add, was freezing.

After what happened in the ambulance I had an idea what she was doing an ultrasound for, but I didn't want to ask because I am terrified of the answer.

"Lexie, have you experienced any severe stomach cramps in the last day or two?" She questions. "I um..I had a sick stomach during the night and it was really, really sore before I came here. It still is a bit," I admit. "Alright, honey," she nods.

"You're fourteen, is that right?" She asks, sitting at the end of the hospital bed. I nod in response. "And you were a victim of sexual assault recently?"
I nod again, fiddling with the top of the sheets. Dr Montgomery takes a deep breath and smiles sadly. "Lexie, you were pregnant and due to the stress of today, and other things, you've had a miscarriage," she explains.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I try to not breakdown again. How did this happen? Why did it happen?

"Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?" She offers with a sad smile. I shrug as I wipe my tears away with the heels of my hands.

"Can I maybe have a hug?" I ask sheepishly. "Of course," she nods, shuffling closer up to the top of the bed and wraps her arms securely around me.

Scarlett gonna go full mama mode soon

Also, not me using Grey's doctors even though technically they're in Seattle

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