chapter 33.

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After what happened last night I felt exhausted by the time I got home, so instead of beginning to pack up my room, I fell asleep on the couch, not even making it upstairs.

I regretted my decision though when I was woken up by Skye telling me to move over so that she could watch her cartoons at six-thirty this morning. She's only five, so obviously has no regard for the fact that I didn't get home until after midnight.

Instead of going back upstairs to sleep, I decided to pack up most of my things, and then a bag to take to Annie's tonight for our sleepover with Willow and Addy.

It's been a while since it's been just Annie and I, so tomorrow we're going to kick Willow and Addy out after lunch and spend the rest of the day together.

Speaking of Addy, we're meeting up in literally five minutes and I am honestly a little bit nervous. I don't know why though but I've put it down to the fact that it's probably just because we haven't known each other that long and I get major social anxiety.

"Call me when you need to be picked up. Have fun," Joe says. "Thanks," I smile slightly, picking up my bag and getting out the car.

We originally planned to go to the beach, but it's quite windy today so we decided on having a picnic instead.

Kennedy made a batch of fresh chocolate chip muffins. They're vegan, so I'm not sure how they taste but she was kind enough to let me take a couple as well as some cut up fruit and Addy said she'd bring the sandwiches and drinks.

I don't necessarily know how we plan to eat all this food since it's just the two of us, but we've got all afternoon to do it and what we don't eat, we can take to Annie's tonight.

"Hey you," Addy's creeps up behind me, tapping my shoulder. "Hey," I smile widely, hugging her excitedly. She hugs me back, equally as excited.

After pulling away, Addy took my hand as the two of us walked into the park, setting up the picnic blanket under a tree and taking out the food. I try to hide the very obvious blush in my cheeks after she held my hand, but I could tell by the small giggle that escaped her that she'd already noticed.

Why on earth I was even blushing in the first place is something I'm trying very hard to figure out. Every time I'm around her my stomach churns and my heart races, but in a good kinda way if that makes any sense at all. Whatever this feeling is though, it's extremely new to me.

"My foster mom made muffins, but they're vegan so I'm not sure how good they are," I laugh nervously. "I can't eat eggs anyways, so that works out well," she giggles in return.
"I can't eat eggs either!" I gasp. "Really?"
I nod with a small chuckle. "Finally someone that understands the pain," she laughs.

As we dig into the food and get to know each other a bit, the clouds came over the what was once a blue sky and it started to pour down. "No, not the muffins," Addy giggles, quickly putting the lid back on the container as I try to pack up the rest of the food.

Once it's all back in our bags, she takes the picnic blanket and throws it over her head. "What are you doing?" I laugh, getting absolutely drenched from the rain. "Taking shelter. Come under," she orders with a wide smile. "You look like an idiot."
"I am an idiot. Now hurry up, it's lonely."

I roll my eyes and shuffle closer to her, the picnic blanket now covering both of us. "It's freezing now," I groan. "Well, when it stops raining we can go to the coffee shop and get hot drink?" She suggests to which I nod with a smile.

"This weather is kinda bust," I sigh, bringing my knees up to my chest. "Yeah kinda. I'm just glad we get to spend time together though," Addy admits with a gentle smile before shuffling even closer and resting her head on my shoulder. "Oh absolutely, me too. You're good company. I didn't mean it to sound bad or anything—"
"Lex, it's okay. I know," she giggles, her hand landing on top mine, squeezing it in reassurance.

I think I stop breathing for just a moment. That same churn in my stomach rises again, but it feels so much more intensified than before.
Addy lifts her head from my shoulder and slowly pulls her hand away.

"Sorry," she mumbles. "It's okay," I say, suddenly missing the feeling of her hand. Before I think it through, I reach my hand out to hers again, intertwining our fingers. She looks to me with a gentle smile and slightly rosy cheeks, before resting her head on my shoulder again.

"How was the dinner you went to last night?" She questions genuinely. "The food was good," I shrug. "Uh oh, that doesn't sound convincing," she chuckles lightly. "I mean, everything was good except for the fact that I saw both my parents again."
"Your biological ones?" She looks at me wide-eyed. "Yep."
"Are you okay?"

"I am now. I had a huge breakdown in front of Scarlett which was embarrassing.
I never had a good relationship with them and my Dad told me that they want me back and it scared me because I don't want to live with them again but I'm fine now," I ramble. "I'm sorry Lex, you don't deserve that. I don't know what happened, but if they lost custody of you in the first place I doubt they'd be able to get you back," she comforts, giving my hand another squeeze.

I nod, taking a deep breath. "Scarlett told me that she wouldn't let it happen anyway and I trust her probably more than anyone so I guess that gives me a bit of peace about the whole situation," I explain.
"Who's Scarlett again?"
"Oh right," I chuckle, "I'm working on a movie with her."
"Ohhh, right. That makes sense," she giggles.

There's a few moments of quiet as we listen to the rain that has now slowed down a little bit.
"Addy, can I ask you something?"
"Of course you can."

"How were put in the foster system?" I question hesitantly. "Oh umm...well my Mom, she was sexually assaulted by someone when she was fourteen and got pregnant. She was only fifteen when she gave birth to me and wasn't exactly raised in a safe environment, therefore thought the best option was to put me up for adoption. Though, when I turned two the people that had adopted me were put in prison for dealing drugs or at least that's what I was told and then I guess from there I was put in the system.
My Mom, my biological Mom, reached out to me when I was nine and eventually over time I started spending my weekends with her until I found out who she actually was to me and her and her husband- now my Dad - adopted me at twelve."

"Wow. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you're with your Mom now though," I speak softly. She smiles in return before asking, "What about you?"

" don't quite think I'm ready to talk about it yet sorry. I think I'm still processing it because it's not been that long," I admit.
"That's okay, but when you are ready to talk, I'm here for you."

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Alsoooo go read -LUVBLACKHILL books ma dudes!!!

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