La Devotee

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One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 The black magic of Mulholland Drive, swinging pools under desert skies.

Drinking white wine in the blushing light.

Just another LA Devotee.

Sunsets on the evil eye, invisible on the Hollywood shrine.

Always on the hunt for a little more time.

Just another LA Devotee.

Just another, just another, uh oh.

Just another, just another, uh oh.

Just another, just another, uh oh.

Just another LA Devotee. 🎤

Namjoon's favorite hobby has always been reading.

His favorite genre of books to read were both thrillers, and romances, even though he was aromantic and didn't believe in love.

Which was ironic, since he was a fan of romance books but didn't believe in love himself.

Anyways, moving on.

He was lying in bed that afternoon, his golden hazel eyes focused on the book that was in his hands, while ignoring the sharp pain that was in his head.

He was diagnosed with chronic severe migraines when he was about eight years old, meaning that he got them about fifteen times a month.

Which meant that he was always dizzy, throwing up, and bedridden on those days, staying home with his Aunt Karina, who took care of him.

His father, in case you were wondering, worked at the local hospital as a family physician, not being able to take care of him everyday since he had to work a long tiring shift.

But Namjoon was used to this, since he knew that his father was overworking himself, so he could earn enough money to support the two of them, letting them move out of his younger sister's house.

Since Seokjin was a single father, and didn't want to live with his younger sister and brother in law forever, especially since they had a small toddler to take care of.

He didn't want to depend on them forever, you know?

The fourteen year olds thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking lightly on his bedroom door, getting his attention.

"Your father's home from work, Joonie," he heard his Aunt Karina say, her tone of voice soft, since she didn't want to cause him any more pain.

"Do you want me to send him in?"

He just nodded, staying silent, and keeping his golden hazel eyes on the pages that were in front of him.

He heard the door close for a couple minutes, before it opened again, relieving his father, who was still in his work clothes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked the teenager, keeping his tone of voice calm, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"It hurts dad," he just replied, keeping his voice muttered, and his golden hazel eyes on his book.

"It's like my brain is getting run over."

"I know sweetheart, but I did pick up your prescription medication from the pharmacy after work today. Do you want one?"

He nodded, before looking away from the page that he was reading, watching as his father walked out of the room for a couple minutes.

When he returned, though, he was carrying a plastic cup in his hand, along with a bottle of water.

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