Love Shh!

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Author's Note: This is a soulmate AU. I was inspired by this series here on Wattpad but I forget the name of it. Basically everyone has hearts on their wrists which glow purple once you find your soulmate. It's very interesting. Please remember that I didn't come up with this concept, I was just inspired by it. Thank you :)

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 I'll set my feet together, your yesterdays bye, throw it all away (throw it all away).

You can mess up your hair how messy you want.

Feels a goodbye.

L-O-V-E is shh.

My hashtag today: mood, feel so perfect (ooh-ooh).

Sing this song higher, make me dance more.

I'm overflowing happy at this moment (ooh-ooh).

With every gaze and gestures.

Step, start!

Shut up L-U-V.

I'm more little bit.

I'm excited at this moment.

L-O-V-E is shh.

I'm feeling good as hell, it's thrilling.

Without you right now, I shine.

I really like it all.

L-O-V-E is shh. 🎤

Namjoon's favorite season has always been spring.

He's always loved watching the cherry blossoms bloom, giving the city of Tokyo a warm, pink welcome.

But that wasn't the only reason why he loved the season, however- it was also the season of love.

His parents met in the spring back in the city of Seoul, where they lived for a while, until they moved to Tokyo shortly after they got married, having him a year later.

He was born in the city, and grew up there for the majority of his life- sure, he vacationed to Seoul with his parents sometimes, but it would never be home to him.

Tokyo was his home, it was where he was born and raised, and he knew that his parents regretted raising him in a different culture.

They were trying their best, though, to get him involved in Korean culture, along with the language, but it was easier for him to speak Japanese.

Then again, he had absolutely no idea why his parents moved in the first place, but he had a feeling that it was to escape someone.

He remembered, when he was very little, his father having to change his phone number, since someone kept harassing him.

It wasn't his place to get involved, however, which was why he never asked his parents what was wrong- he just kept his thoughts to himself, which was killing him inside.

He knew better than to ask, though.

Right now, he was standing on a bridge which overlooked the water, which was a beautiful blue color underneath the warm spring sun.

There were earbuds in his ears, which was blasting an upbeat song, and his golden hazel eyes were focused on the calm waters; a small smile on his face.

And he was enjoying the silence, until the sounds of something falling to the floor caught his attention.

He turned around, just in time to see a teenage girl around his age kneel down, before beginning to pick up the flyers that she dropped- most likely after running into someone.

He couldn't see her face, unfortunately, due to her black hair converting her face, but he could see what she was wearing.

He didn't really care, though, and looked away just in time for his left wrist to tingle, causing him to look down.

What used to be a faint outline of a heart was now bright purple, signalling that he's just found his soulmate- which was the last thing on his mind, since he never imagined finding his soulmate.

Plus, he didn't even know her; they were still strangers, and he didn't like the idea of getting close to someone that he didn't know.

Maybe that was just his introverted nature talking, though.

He could feel her eyes on him, but he didn't let her talk to him- he just turned up his music, before walking down the bridge and towards the road that would take him back to his neighborhood.

"Excuse me!" He heard her call out from behind him, her tone of voice sounding like she was about to lose her breath.

"Excuse me!!"

He just kept walking though, and was about to reach the main road, only for a hand to grab onto his shoulder, causing him to stop walking, and turn towards her.

His golden hazel eyes made contact with her chocolate colored eyes, which almost blended into her black hair.

"I think we're soulmates," she said, panting a little, which showed how out of breath she was; her eyes flickering back and forth between their matching hearts.

"I'm Hayashi Akari," she said again, when she didn't get a reply, her eyes narrowing which showed how annoyed she was getting.

This was really her soulmate?

"Kim Namjoon," he replied after a couple minutes of silence, keeping his tone of voice muttered, resuming the walk towards his neighborhood.

"That doesn't sound very Japanese," she said without thinking, which caused her eyes to go wide, once she realized that she said those words out loud.

To her surprise, he just laughed, which was light and airy, showing that he wasn't offended with her words.

In fact, he was somewhat enjoying her company.

"It's Korean," he told her, once he was able to stop laughing, beginning to open up to her- that didn't mean that he trusted her, however.

"My parents immigrated here a year before I was born."

She just nodded at his words, taking that time to take his appearance in with her chocolate colored eyes.

That explained why he didn't look Japanese- in fact, she wouldn't have thought that he was from an immigrant family, due to the fact that he spoke perfect Japanese.

His chestnut brown hair was brushed back on his head, and he had beautiful golden hazel eyes, along with tan colored skin.

"Do you speak Korean?" She asked, her tone of voice genuinely curious, since this was her soulmate- the person who God paired her up with for life.

She waited patiently for his answer, which ended up surprising her, since she wasn't expecting the answer.

"No, I never bothered to learn, since Japanese is easier for me. I can tell that my parents aren't happy with this decision, but they don't bother me about it."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and she opened her mouth to ask him why, but, before she could, he spoke up again, disappointing her.

"This is my neighborhood," he said, his golden hazel eyes meeting her chocolate colored ones again, which were filled with disappointment.

They ended up exchanging phone numbers, though, before going their separate ways, making plans to meet up again.

And, maybe- just maybe- having a soulmate wouldn't be too bad. 

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