I See the Light

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Author's Note: This is a long one, over 2,785 words. I'm burnt out honestly, and have no ideas on what to write anymore. I'll still update on Mondays and Fridays, but the next few one shots will be ones that I already written. Please enjoy this Tangled inspired one shot :)

One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 And at last I see the light, and it's like a fog has lifted.

And at last I see the light, and it's like the sky is new.

And it's warm, and real, and bright, and the world has somehow shifted.

All at once everything looks different, now that I see you. 🎤

Amara Winters has been sheltered her entire life.

She grew up in a tower, locked away, never allowed to leave it- she never knew why, of course, just knew that her mother forbade it.

Sure, her mother didn't visit often, since she lived further away, but she didn't mind since she preferred spending time by herself.

Especially since her mother was always hovering over her, making sure that she never left the tower.

She never understood why this was, but she always promised her mother that she wouldn't, even though being alone in the tower got lonely very quickly.

She kept her promise, though, and never left the tower, even though she wanted to.

Until that day, however, when she found herself walking through the forest for the first time in eighteen years.

She was walking alongside a wanted thief named Namjoon Kim, who had chestnut brown hair, along with the most beautiful golden hazel eyes that she's ever seen.

They met after he climbed into her tower, after escaping the royal guards, who were chasing him after he stole from them.

What he stole from them, she wasn't really sure, but she knew that it had something to do with the crown that was in his satchel.

It looked expensive, made from the finest craftsman's ship, while covered in beautiful pearls that sparkled in the sunlight.

And, when she asked him why he stole it, he told her that he wanted to sell it, so that he could take care of himself and his older brother, Seokjin.

They were orphans, after their parents died when they were young, meaning that they had no choice but to grow up stealing just so they could take care of themselves.

He also told her that he was separated from his older brother during the chase, and that he found his way to her tower.

That was when she blackmailed him into helping her escape, by telling him that she wouldn't turn him in if he took her to see the floating lanterns.

He accepted, of course, not because he knew that she was bluffing- it was that obvious- but because of how beautiful she was.

With her long golden blond hair, and her beautiful green eyes, and her pale skin tone, making her stand out from all the women that he's seen.

Both inside the kingdom and in the villages.

It was safe to say that he was captivated by her beauty, even though he knew that he couldn't fall in love with her.

He knew that she deserved better than a rugged thief like himself- who could go to prison at any time.

"You've really never left that tower, huh," he stated, keeping a dimpled smile on his face, while his golden hazel eyes watched as she tried her best to smell every flower that they came across.

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