Green Finch and Linnet Bird

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Author's Note: I used to have a horror movie phase in high school, where I would watch the same movie over again every week. Yeah, I don't recommend watching this movie, since it literally traumatized me to the point where I get panic attacks every time I see or hear the soundtrack. This song is good though and I recommend you listen to it when reading this, since it'll give you a better reading experience, but that's up to you. 

Pleas note that I used the song from the 2007 movie, and not the Broadway musical. Thank you

One shots (Seokjin):

🎤 Green Finch and Linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird.

How is it you sing?

How can you jubilate sitting in cages, never taking wing?

Outside the sky waits beckoning, beckoning, just beyond the bars.

How can you remain staring at the rain maddened by the stars?

How is it you sing anything?

How is it you sing?

My cage has many rooms, damask and dark.

Nothing there sings, not even my lark.

Larks never will, you know, when they're captive.

Teach me to be more adaptive.


Green Finch and Linnet Bird, nightingale, blackbird.

Teach me how to sing.

If I cannot fly, let me sing. 🎤

The early morning London street was quiet, besides the sounds of light and airy singing coming from the open window of a second story mansion.

It was so beautiful sounding that it got the attention of a twenty three year old lamplighter named Seokjin Kim.

He was the only son of Korean immigrants, who moved to London, England in search of a better life.

He had black hair, along with dark brown eyes, and was tall for his age, standing a little bit over 177.8 centimeters.

He was standing on a ladder that morning, turning off the lamp, when signing got his attention, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

He finished what he was doing, before turning his body towards the mansion that was behind him, making eye contact with a young woman, who was sitting at the second story window.

She had light brown hair, along with freckles and gorgeous green eyes that looked at him with curiosity, almost like she's never been outside before.

He pushed that thought aside, though, before smiling at her and waving, expecting to get a response back.

But, to his surprise, she just frowned at him, before closing the curtains, blocking him from seeing through the window.

Now this made him confused, of course, but he thought nothing of it, since he knew that the guy who lived there was a famous English professor at a prestigious University.

Not that he had an education himself- because he didn't- he just heard the rumors that were going around the city.

He didn't like to gossip though, and mainly kept to himself, not having many friends.

Then again, however, he lived in the poverty ridden part of the city where all the immigrants lived, and worked as a lamplighter.

Which wasn't the kind of life that he wanted though- this was the early 19th century though.

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