It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Start from the beginning

Not yet anyways.

"That'll be nice honestly," he just responded back, earning a small giggle and a smile from the younger woman.

"Is it a Christmas present you're looking for?"

"Birthday actually."

"And this is for your son, I'm assuming?" She asked, beginning to search the shelves for something appropriate for a young toddler.

"If I remember correctly, he's six right?"

"Seven actually," the ravenette male replied, keeping his posture perfectly straight, while giving her the information that she needed.

"He turns seven on the 25th."

"Ah, a Christmas birthday."

There was a smile on her face as she said those words, and she remembered meeting the young child a couple times when he came in with his mother.

He was a sweet child, looking exactly like her with chestnut brown hair and golden hazel eyes, and was always smiling, looking around the store with curiosity in his eyes.

"Yeah, my wife and I used to call him our Christmas miracle."

"Used to?" She asked him, keeping her tone of voice calm, beginning to take a couple stuffed animals off the shelves.

"What happened to her?"

She noticed him hesitate for a couple seconds, and immediately went to open her mouth to say something, but he interrupted her, answering her question.

"She died- car crash a couple months ago. It's been hard being a single father, but I'm managing."

"Yet you can't shop for your son?" She asked back, generally curious as to why he was having a hard time shopping for the Holidays.

He just smiled in response, showing her that he wasn't mad at her question, and that he was actually expecting it.

"Leah has always been better with Namjoon. I mean, she was a stay at home mother, and knew him better than I do."

The answer was short and simple, but still vague at certain places; she didn't press him about it, though, just showed him a couple stuffed animals that she took from the shelves.

"Do any of these work? These are all the stuffed animals that we have for a toddler his age range."

He looked at them for a couple minutes, before pointing to the cow plushie, knowing that his son would be fascinated by the white and black spotted fur.

"That'll work," he responded, taking it from her, only for his face to drop after looking at the price tag.

"Everything okay, Jin oppa?" She asked him, her tone of voice filled with concern, due to the fact that his face was drained of all color.

"I can't afford it," he muttered to himself underneath his breath, making it hard for her to hear his words.

"What kind of father am I if I can't even afford a birthday gift for my son?"

"I'll pay for it," she blurted out, catching him by surprise, due to the fact that his eyes widened at her words.

"You don't have to do that, Destiny."

"Of course I do, Jin oppa. It's Christmas in a couple of weeks."

He just sighed, telling her that he accepted her offer, following her to the cash register, which was at the front of the building.

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