Plus, he refused to believe that he was special, seeing himself as this normal kid, who had a good relationship with his parents.

Since he knew that not many kids his age had that.

It wasn't until he was eleven when something changed, causing him to reconsider his beliefs.

Let's get into it.


"Was I really born here?" The preteen asked unsurprisingly, his golden hazel eyes looking around the barn in wonder.

They were spending the Holidays with his godmother, Angie, who just so happened to be the same woman who lent his parents her barn twelve years ago.

If it wasn't for her, then he probably wouldn't have been born, meaning that his parents were grateful for her.

Plus, he never got tired of that story, and always found it amazing that he was born inside a barn, instead of a normal hospital.

She just laughed lightly, like she always did, due to the fact that she was always amazed by how precious the preteen was.

"Of course you were born here, Namjoon," she just responded, keeping her tone of voice calm, before walking into the barn, standing next to him.

"The snow was so heavy that night, meaning that it's incredible that your parents even got over the hill at all."

She smiled softly, due to the fact that the memories flashed across her eyes- how her son, Seokjin, saw their car stranded on the side of the road, and how they ushered them inside the barn, before their son was born.

They've been connected to that family ever since- in a good way, of course.

"When you think about it," she said again, while her light blue eyes looked at the night sky, knowing that he was doing the same thing.

"You were a miracle for your parents- born in a stable on a cold winter's night."

"Like Jesus?" He asked, making that connection, due to the fact that he was in the stage play that the local church was performing.

"Do you see that star?" She replied, keeping her tone of voice calm, while pointing to a small star in the sky.

"That star?"

"No Namjoon, that's Orion's constellation."

"That star?" He just asked again, his tone of voice sounding helpless at this point.

She just laughed though, before grabbing his hand, and pointing his finger in the right direction.

"That star," she said again, her light blue eyes staring at the small star that was bright and lonely in the sky.

"That's the Christmas star, you were born under it that night. Some people call it the star of miracles."

"Miracles? What kinds of miracles?"

She just smiled at the preteen, loving how precious and innocent he was.

He really was the light at the end of the tunnel, and she knew how much his parents adored him, meaning that she wanted to make the Holidays special.

Especially since he turned twelve the next day.

"You're special, Namjoon," she just replied, keeping her tone of voice soft, while ruffling his chestnut brown hair.

"Never forget that, okay?"

He just nodded, looking at her with his golden hazel eyes, trying not to show her how cold he was.

She noticed this though, meaning that she wrapped a blanket over him, making sure that he was warm.

"Let's get you inside, alright?" She then stated, keeping her tone of voice motherly, since she saw the preteen as a son.

"We don't want you catching a cold."

She ushered him inside the house after that, joining the three adults in the living room, while continuing their Holiday celebrations.

He couldn't get her words out of his head though, meaning that he couldn't stop thinking about their conversation.

Was he really special? Or was she making that up just to get him to believe in miracles?

He wasn't really sure what to believe, but he did know one thing.

He was going to get to the bottom of it.


The next day was Christmas Day.

The house was lit up with Christmas lights, giving the fields around them a beautiful multicolored glow.

The young preteen- who was now twelve years old- was sitting in an armchair in the living room, unwrapped gifts sitting on the floor around him.

He was playing with a snow globe, one that his father brought from the factory a couple of years ago.

He didn't know why, but his father stopped bringing them home with him about a year ago.

The young preteen didn't know this, but his father, Yoongi, lost his job only a year ago.

It's been stressful for the family, who were already financially struggling, having a hard time supporting the three of them.

Plus, the next job opening was miles and miles away in another town, and he didn't want to drive that far, just to make money.

He didn't know what to do at this point.

Their conversation was interrupted by their son, who blurted out the last words that they were expecting.

"Hey dad? Do you think I'm special?"

His tone of voice was soft, showing both his parents that he was doubting himself, which they never wanted for him.

Meaning that they exchanged worried glances with each other, before the older male walked into the living room, kneeling in front of his son.

"Of course you're special, sweetheart," he replied, taking the preteens hand in his, before beginning to rub circles on the back of it.

"You're our little Christmas miracle."

"But am I really, dad? Am I really a Christmas miracle?"

"You came a couple weeks early," his mother, Chloe, spoke up, keeping her tone of voice calm, while continuing to wash the dishes.

"You were actually due at the start of January."

"See, Namjoon?" His father said again, his light brown eyes meeting his son's golden hazel ones.

"You're definitely our little Christmas miracle."

He just smiled at his fathers words, before he shook the snow globe, watching as the little cottage became covered in white snow.

He continued watching silently, aware that his father kissed the top of his head, before rejoining his wife in the kitchen, continuing their conversation.

There was silence after that, the young preteen rethinking everything, while his parents talked silently in the kitchen.

Maybe he really was a Christmas miracle after all. 

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