[2033] The Final Preparation

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"Of course, ma'am. Just inform us if you're ready to resume," they said. 

"Thank you," I said before attending to Adam again. 

I let him cry and slowly, he calms down. When I felt him gently tugging on my hair ponytail, I asked him some questions about what made him sad. 

"Are you going to leave me?" 

I gotta admit, that question took me by surprise. 

"Why did you think mommy will leave you? Mommy won't ever leave you alone, Adam. You know mommy has only you. You're mommy's son and I won't leave you," I said and look at him. 

He pouted, "Some aunties in the hallway told me that you're going to leave me after marrying papa. They told me that mommy giving birth to me was an accident and mommy and daddy never wanted me in this world."

"What?" I asked him in a serious tone. "They said that?" I asked Adam once more. 

Adam nodded. You know, Adam never lies. What he says is all the truth and I was shocked. How can an adult say that to a young boy? 

"Adam, do not ever listen to what those aunties say. Mommy loves you unconditionally. Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you. Papa loves you. Everyone here loves you. There will be people who hate us. And they are immature. Don't listen to them," I said to him. 

"Come on. You go to grandma. Mommy will talk to those aunties," I said as I stood up. I took Adam's hand and we walked out of the suite. 

"How's Adam?" Christine asked. 

"Where's Mak Long and her daughters?" I asked immediately. 

Christine looked into the living room. I walked towards the mother and daughters. Laughing while eating the food in the living room. 

"Eh, Sunny!" Mak Long greeted me with a wide smile. 

All of her three daughters were seated on the couch, crossing their legs and looking at me like they hated me so much. Even my grandmother was sitting on the floor across from them. 

"What did you say to my son?" I asked Mak Long. 

Mak Long is how we, Muslim address the eldest aunt in siblings. Mak Long that I am referring to is the queen's, my mother-in-law's eldest sister. 

Mak Long looked at me with confusion before looking at Adam. She chuckled and said, "Ah... Sorry. I was just saying what I have to. Let him know earlier is better than keeping it a secret forever." 

"Mak Long, I have been very patient with you ever since I met you the first time. You were the one who sarcastically called me a whore, a slut. Your daughters talked ill towards me on the internet. Do you think I don't know? Huh, Aleya? Aleesha? You may think I don't have any power. Yeah, I am a commoner and you all are royal family members."

"But you have done enough. I have been very patient and today, I don't want to keep this thing to myself again. I don't want to see your faces tomorrow during my wedding. Seeing your faces just makes me feel I want to slap you all in your faces."

"EXCUSE ME!?" Mak Long exclaimed and stood up.

"Mom, she thinks she's the leader. She definitely can't differentiate the ground and sky," Aleya said sarcastically and chuckled. 

"I agree. Suddenly coming into Hassanal's life. And now, wanting to take the throne. From a commoner, now suddenly a royal. Not enough gaiing popularity, she takes Hassanal's popularity and wealth," Aleesha said. 

"Hey! Do you know what you're talking about!? Can you look into the mirror and ask yourself about it then!? How dare you talk about my daughter like that!" Christine shouted at them. 

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