[2030] Golden Anniversary of Shangri-La

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Sunny chuckled. 

"She did," Hassanal replied, glancing at Sunny. 

As they entered the ballroom, they were welcomed by a round of applause from the guests and a rhythmic song for the entrance. They went to the rectangle table in front straight away.

"Sunny, you're sitting next to Tengku," Adrian said when seeing Sunny heading towards the second chair next to Cavin. 

Sunny cleared her throat, "Of course." 

Cavin laughed at Sunny while the prince chuckled.  

Before they could sit down, the emcee politely and formally asked for everyone to remain standing up to sing the national anthem and the state anthem before the event started. 

After the songs, they sat down. The guests were then served several choices of drinks: tea, juice and plain water. Sunny asked for plain water. Warm plain water since the ballroom is freezing. 

"How many people are there in this ballroom?" Hassanal asked Sunny. 

"Around a thousand," Sunny replied. 

"100 tables?" he asked. 

"Yes. Is this your first time here?" Sunny asked him. 

"I did come here before it was remodelled and rebranded. After renovations, this is my first time," he said.

Sunny nodded, "I see."

"How long did it take to plan this gala night?" the prince asked again. 

"A year? We started planning last year. Early last year," Sunny said. 

"Alright. Understand," he nodded. 

I nodded and smiled. 

"How have you been?" he asked. 

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. 

"How have you been?" 

"Oh, I've been good. Good," I nodded and grinned. 

"Good to hear," he smiled. 


I widened my eyes when the emcee announced the dance floor was open for the guest. I look at Adrian,, and he smiles without looking at me. But I know that smile was meant for me. 

"After you two," Cavin said. I turned towards Cavin, and he looked at Hassanal and me. 

"I thought we agreed to minus this part from the dinner," I said, looking at both Cavin and Adrian.

"Well, it's a tradition. How could I minus it?" Adrian replied before standing up. 

"You two can dance. And I know you two make a great pair," Cavin said. 

I tried to remain calm and put on a smile. An unawkward smile. I turned to Hassanal. 

"You want to dance?" he asked. 

"If you want to, we can," I told him. 

He smiled and nodded. He stood up and offered his hands to me. I was taken aback but stood up and took his hand. I even got the time to see my hands shaking before he took my hand. 

"Are you sick, or is it just you, shaking?" he asked me as we walked into the dance floor. 

I chuckled, "It's just so cold." 

"You're the CEO of this place. You can direct them on what to do," he said as we stood in front of each other. I put my other hand on his shoulders, and we danced. 

I chuckled, "Nah. I'm good."  

We didn't speak as we dance. It has to be the most awkward situation I'm in. He's staring at me while I was looking away from him. I could definitely feel my cheeks burning up.

"Who designed the dress?" he suddenly ask.

"Um, my mom," I replied.

"Suit you very well," he said.

"Thank you. What about you? New suit I think," I said to him.

"How did you know it's new? No one ever notice a suit if it's new or not," he asked me.

I raised my eyebrows, "It's very new. The fabric. The shine on the suit. It's definitely new."

"This is new and I'm impressed that you notice this new suit," he said.

I chuckled and smiled. 

After the dance, we went back to our seats. 

Around 9:30 pm, I escorted Hassanal out of the ballroom as he will be leaving already. I am also leaving the premise soon since I need to put Adam to bed before 10 pm actually. 

After biding goodbyes to Hassanal, I also head back. The same with mom and most of my family members. The event was also finishing already. But I did told the staff to put the leftover food into plastics and distribute all of them to the guests to bring back. 

So it won't go into waste. I also ask for leftover food which I waited for. As expected, Adam was already whining to go home and to sleep. 

"Adam, wait a while. Mommy want to take home some food," I said to Adam before carrying him. He held onto me tightly and put his head on my shoulders. 

"Just wait in the car. I'll bring it to you later," my PA said. 

"Alright," I replied before walking towards the exit. 

I was escorted by my bodyguards towards the car I'll be using to head home. About 5 minutes later, my PA reached and handed me a paper bag filled with food inside. 

"There's cake in here too. Some desserts and food," he said. 

"Okay. Thank you so much. I'll meet you tomorrow, okay?" I said to him. 

"Yes, ma'am. Have a safe journey and good night," he said before pressing the button on the side of the door and the door closes on its own. 

"Good night," I replied before the car drove away from the place. 


I huffed while drying my hair with a towel and walking down the stairs. 

"Do you want to eat, Sunny?" I heard Cavin asked. 

"I'm so hungry! I can't eat a lot because Tengku was there," I whined. 

"Who told you to not eat?" Adrian replied. 

I was looking at my phone and drying my hair. So, I wasn't really looking around me. Focus on my phone and on my wet hair. 

"How could I eat? I need to make a good impression. He's a prince and he's going to be a king next time. If you tell me to marry him, I might as well make a good impression in front of him," I continued. 

"Is it not enough that I saw you throw up in front of me?"

I stopped walking and raised my head. 

I blinked a few times and gulped when I saw all my family members were at the dining table, eating and sitting at the center end of the table was... Hassanal. 

"That's why. I told you to come down to eat just now," Adrian said softly before sipping his drink. 

"MOMMY!" I cried and screamed as I ran upstairs.



"THAT'S DIFFERENT!" I cried before busting into my bedroom and throwing myself onto the bed. I buried myself in the pillow and blanket before screaming my lungs out. 

Embarrassment and annoyance. 


❪ S2 ❫ 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲. 𝗁𝗒𝖻𝖾'𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗍.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن