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Lotte pov.

We listen to the rest of the concert and it's so much fun. When it's over we walk backstage again. I see Calum and give him a hug. ,,what are you doing tonight. he asks me. ,,sleep at your place, if that is okay. I ask him. He grins and wraps his arms around me. "Of course, it's your house too. He says and I smile at him. ,,shall we go. I ask him after a while and he nods. We say bye to the rest and take the taxi home. Calum opens the door and Summer and Duke arrive happily. "Hey guys. I say happily as I sit on the floor and give them a hug. ,,do you want to drink something. Calum asks who walks to the kitchen. ,,um, water. I say. ,,Okay. He says and after a while give me a glass of water. "You looked really good tonight. I say with a light blush. He comes and sits on the floor next to me. "Thank you babe. You're looking good too. He says. I just wear jeans and a shirt. I say when I look down. "Yeah, but those jeans look good on you. He says and kisses my cheek. I smile at him. I get up and grab a pillow from the couch and throw it on Calum's head. ,,um ouch. he says and grins. ,,come get me. I say happy when I jump on the couch. "Oh, let's do this. He says happily and I nod. he smiles and comes over to me. I run to the kitchen and calum follows me. I run back to the couch and fall over a toy from the dog and lie on the floor. Calum also falls through me and half falls on me. I take a puff and laugh. Calum looks at me and laughs with me. ,,Got you. He says as he grabs me. His eyes look into mine. "I love your calum. I say and he looks at me. "I love you lotte. he says softly and pulls me towards him. He leans over me and presses his lips to mine. I feel his tongue. I missed this for a few weeks. I let him go. "Go upstairs with me. I ask him and he nods. I get up and take off my shirt and toss it to calum. I quickly run upstairs and calum quickly follows behind me. he pushes me gently against the wall. My hands are on his neck. I give him a kiss and his hands go to my hips. He pulls me closer to him. his lips go to my neck. I feel his soft wet lips around my collarbone. "calum. I sigh. His hands go to my back and take off my bra. His hands slide down my back. His lips go lower and lower and I feel his lips around my breast. His hands go to my button and undo it. Carefully my jeans slide down my butt. Every bit of skin that calum touches is on fire. I feel his fingertips slide down my legs. I rest my head against the wall and enjoy his touch. I feel his hands slide back up and wipe my butt. I open my eyes and look at him. ,,I've missed you. I say hoarse. He grins and looks down. ,,we missed you too. He says softly and I chuckle. I push him against the wall and press my lips to his. My hands go to the buttons of his blouse and I undo them quietly. Our lips are still glued together. I run my hands over his muscular upper body. I feel his arms and they have grown bigger. I smile and my hands go to his pants. I take this off and let go of calum. I go to his ear. "shall I do something about that then. I say softly and press a kiss on his neck and he gets goosebumps everywhere. ,,what are you doing with me. He says softly as I slide down kisses on his stomach. I get to his underpants edge and slowly take them off. "babe. Nags calum. I smile and take off his underwear and look at it. I grab it and start moving. I lick my lips and put it in my mouth. I hear calum gasping for breath. "You feel so good. he says softly. I smile and continue. "Babe, I'm almost coming. He says and a moment later he comes. I grin and swallow everything and stand up again. ,,that was quick. I say smiling. "Yes babe, I've had to miss you for a month. He says softly as he pulls me to him. ,,I know. I say softly. he picks me up and walks to the bed. He presses his lips to mine and I can already feel his hand down. He takes off my thong and puts a finger in it without warning. I let go of his lips and sigh once. I spread my legs and lie down. A second finger comes in and I sigh. calum looks at me. "cal. I moan as I squeeze the blanket. I close my eyes and feel Calum's lips on my neck. I feel him leave me. I open my eyes and see Calum grab a condom. I smile at him and he comes over me again. He looks at me for confirmation and I nod. I feel him go inside me and I sigh. "you okay babey. he says softly. my hands are on his chest to keep him at a distance. "Yeah, take some getting used to. I say softly and he looks at me. I exhale and nod. it goes up and down slowly and the pain is getting less and less. My sighs turn to moans. I wrap my legs around his hips. "calum faster. I Moan and he does what I say. I feel calum's lips on my neck. "cal. I moan. ,,baby. He moans in my ear. After bumping for a while I come and he comes a moment after. He falls next to me and wraps his arms around me.

calum pov.

I open my eyes and see that I am alone in bed. I look up and see no one in the bathroom. I hear some rumbling downstairs and decide to get up. I put on my gym shorts and walk down the stairs. I see Lotte cleaning up with music on. I smile and walk over to her. She stands with her back to me. She is wearing pajama bottoms with a bikini top. I wrap my arms around her from behind. I press a kiss on her shoulder. ,,good morning. I say softly in her ear. she turns around. ,,good morning. she says and kisses my lips. I lift her onto the counter and stand between her legs. ,,I'm with the girls tonight, so you sleep alone. She says and I nod. ,,Yes, I will also go to Mike later, he must be nervous. I say and she nods. ,,yes, crystal just called to see if I could double check everything. she says and I laugh. "Are you like that on our wedding day. I ask her and see something change in her eyes and she looks down. "Hey lotte, we don't have to get married next week, do we. Take your time, I know you're struggeling with it. I say softly as I grab her face. A pair of watery eyes look at me. "I don't want to disappoint you. she says softly. I wrap my arms around her and she buries her face in my chest. "You will never disappoint me. I get it babey, you're 21. You got your life ahead of you. you really don't have to make that choice yet. I say softly as I stroke her back. "I know you want it. She says. "Babe, we're in a relationship. I have you as my girl and that's enough. I want you in my life and I'm going to give you the best life you deserve. Whether I'm married to you or not. I say when she looks at me. "I love you calum. she says. ,,I know babey, don't worry too much okay. Give it some time. I say and kiss her lips. "I made breakfast. she says after a while. ,,oh. I say and let her go. ,,hey. she says as she jumps off the counter and gives me a hug. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead. I want you in my life calum. forever. she says and kisses my chest. ,,I want you too babey. I say.

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