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calum pov.

I walk up and down nervously. "calum. ashton whines. "Yeah, I haven't spoken to her for two weeks. I'll see her again in a moment. Maybe she doesnot want me anymore. I say stressed. "I'm sure not, she loves you. says Luke. ,, even then. I say and sit on the couch. ,,You wrote two great songs Cal, you're going to sing them tomorrow. Michael says and I sigh. "Yeah, but still. I say and sigh. Raven crawls up and down. The bell rings and I shoot up. I see Lara come in. ,,Hey honey. she says happily as raven walks up to her. Lara, no lotte. ,,Where's Lotte? I ask. ,,she went home with the rest. she hasn't slept in the past two days. she says and I sigh. "shall I go there. I ask her. I see her doubting. ,,I do not think so. She's super emotional. She says and I nod. I sit down on the couch again. ,,I ruined it. I say softly. "No, she likes your calum. she has doubts about getting married, not about you. she says as she sits next to me. ,,about getting married. I ask her and she nods. "Yeah, she's 21 cal, she's got her whole life ahead of her. She says and I nod. I get an text. "I went to my own house. I'm super tired. I'll see you tomorrow okay." In it of lotte. "Alright babey, I love you" I send back. "<3" I get back and smile. ,,I'm going home. It's getting late. I say and get up. I say goodbye and get into the car. I'm driving home. "hey doggies. I say happy when I see duke and summer. "No, mom isn't here yet. I say and pat them on the head once. I walk up the stairs and go to bed. Alone. I sigh and close my eyes.

We enter the concert building. I'm wearing long black pants, a black blouse and a glitter blazer. Luke is wearing leather pants with a red blouse. Ashton is wearing dusty purple pants with a matching jacket. Michael walks around in black pants with a large blouse with Japanese text. I sigh once. Michael and Crystal are getting married in 2 days. I sigh and continue to the dressing room. I'm really super nervous. The girls are already there. They're going to the VIP lounge in a minute. I sit down on the couch. A moment later the door opens and there she is. The cutest most beautiful girl I know. Our eyes meet. I get up and pull her into a hug. "hey babe. I say almost crying. Lotte buries her head in my neck. She pulls back and looks at me. her beautiful green eyes look into mine. I feel her hand on my cheek and she comes forward. Her soft lips meet mine and a feeling of relief flows through me. After a while she pulls back but I hold her. "I love you cal. She says and gives me another hug. "Sorry I didn't let you know, I just wanted to be alone for a while. She says. "I love you babe. Take all the time you need. I say back. She smiles at me. I smile back and press my lips to hers again. ,,cal, can I give my sister a hug too. I hear Luke laughing after a while. I let go of Lotte and look at Luke. ,,Yes sorry. I say laughing and Lotte chuckles and gives the rest a hug. "Come on, we have to get up. Ashton says and we all get up. I give Lotte a quick kiss and the girls go to the VIP lounge. Our parents and family are already there. I put my earphones in and sigh. Luke looks happy at me. I nod at him and we walk onto the stage.

Lotte pov.

We enter the VIP lounge and I greet the rest. "Oh they're coming up. Sierra says happily. I go to crystal and take a quick photo for Instagram with the girls. "supporting the boyfriends" I add. The guys come on and start off with she looks so perfect. We happily sing along. When the song ends, Luke starts talking. ,,Welcome to the release party, we're going to play some new songs for you. This one wrote calum. Luke says and everyone starts screaming. I lean over the railing for a bit and look at calum. he looks my way and i can be seen on the big screen. I wave once and blow a kiss to calum. he laughs and starts to play.

You've got a million reasons to hesitate

But darlin', the future's better than yesterday

I wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you

Gave you a million reasons to walk away

But I'll build a house out of the mess

And all the broken pieces

My Old, New Friends (English)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя