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lucas pov.

we hear a gunshot and we run to the woods. we hear another shot and someone fall. we run to the spot and we see jack and lotte lying on the ground. they both lie still as if they are dead. I pick up lotte in bridestyle and the boys run back home. we walk into the shed and put lotte on the bed. we've taken bullets out of someone before so we know how to do it. I cut her sweater so we can get to it. I go with pliers in the hole in her belly. I take the bullet out and close the hole with a piece of paper. then ryan sews it shut. I pick up Lotte again and take her to her bedroom. If she still isn't awake after 1 hour I call Luke.

luke: with luke hemmings

Lucas: Yes Lucas here. erm.. lotte is-

luke: what's up with lotte

lucas: she was shot in the stomach and we have already taken the bullet out and stuff only she is not awake after an hour.

luke: what. take her to the hospital.

Lucas: Yes, we can't. the police come when we explain and they recognize us. we're the most wanted if your jack doesn't count.

luke: dude if my sister is dead then i'll kill you.

lucas: luke listen to me. i know i hurt lotte when we were a couple. ok i changed i will never hurt her and we are best friends now. I would have taken that bullet for her if I had been there sooner.

Luke: You weren't there.

lucas: no she didn't say anything to us and we heard a few shots and then we went to look and when we got there they were both lifeless on the ground. o lotte wake up. I have to hang.

luke: okay. call me if anything is okay.

we say bye and hang up. you heard how concerned luke was. I feel a tear run down my cheek. I see Lotte opening her eyes. then she immediately closes them again and starts screaming. i call danny and ryan and they run upstairs. she calms down after a while when we have given her a pill for the pain.

Lotte pov.

I look at my stomach. There's a bond in it. that Ryan made. I see Lucas sitting and he is crying. I'm going to stand. As much as that hurts and stand in front of him. ,,Sorry. I only hurt you. I'm not a good friend." He says and lowers his head. I grab his chin. "Lucas. i know things have happened between us and they are forgiven you i had the best time of my life when you were with me. and I miss you every time I'm on tour with the boys. I cry if I've had a fight with you or if something has happened to you. I still love you very much, no matter what happened." I say. he looks me straight in the eye. "I still love you too." He says, pressing his lips to mine.

calum pov.

we watch TV. Luke had explained why Lucas called. we watch the news.

A video has been sent by an anonymous person. about lotte hemmings. here you can see the video of lotte hemmings and lucas bendegom.

a video comes on the screen of that lotte on lucas' lap it and lucas cries. "Luke pushes a little harder." I say and sit up straight. "I cry if I've had a fight with you or if something has happened to you. I still love you very much, no matter what happened." I hear Lotte say. "I still love you too." Luke says now and then something happens that I didn't see coming. Lucas presses his lips against Lotte's and Lotte does nothing. I skip a breath and feel my eyes moisten. it seems like my heart is tearing apart. I feel a tear run down my cheek and feel a hand on my shoulder. I can't take it anymore and run out of the room to my own room and lock the door. I really messed up with lotte. very.

Lotte pov.

I withdraw. ,,lucas this is not possible. we both know that. I like calum and you like alice." I say and let go of him and we walk down. we turn on the TV. we see the video of us upstairs. "shit. the boys have seen this." I say and my hand through my hair. i think of lara and my song. I grab my cell phone and look for Lara's phone number. I call her.

lara: with lara

lotte: hey with me you probably saw the news and i like calum but do you still have that number on your laptop. i miss you.

lara: yes you are unharmed. come on now then.

lotte: yes see you soon

I hang up. "sorry lucas i'm going to make it up with calum." i say and press a kiss on his cheek. he nods. I grab my car keys and drive off. leaving everyone behind. I drive past the forest. my father would still be there. don't know. I don't care either.

I ring the bell and Lara opens the door. we go to the basement and we record i miss you. I feel the tears running down my cheeks. after we put it online we go back upstairs and steve, nash and cameron are sitting there. I give them a hug. the radio is on and i hear 5sos have a new song. he's quite nice. I decide that I want to go pass by Nathan's mother.

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