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calum pov.

I feel past me and the bed is empty. "Yeah, we'll go there when we get back. I hear someone whisper. "It can't be any other way, Lucas. First thing when we are back in Australia. Lotte says. I mumble something and I hear a door. Lotte comes to lie in bed next to me. "What was it babe. I ask as I put my arms around her. "Nothing special babe. she says and give me a kiss. I fall asleep again.

I wake up and see Lotte still sleeping. I give her a kiss. she turns and cuddles up to me. a smile appears on my lips. I lie on my back and Lotte lays her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and put it on her hip. I look at her hand and see the ring. My smile gets even bigger. I feel Lotte's lips on my collarbone. "Good morning babe. I say. ,,good morning. she says and kisses my lips. ,,What is the plan today. she asks after a while. ,,um, we have a gig tonight, and you. I ask her. We have an interview. She says. I nod. "Are you going to tell them. I ask her and grab her hand. "If they're going to ask about it, yes. she says and look at me. ,,Okay. I say. ,,What was that last night, with Lucas. I ask her as she signs my tattoo. ,,nothing special. She says. "Babe, if it wasn't anything special, he wouldn't be at the door at night. I say and she looks at me and sighs. "You can tell me. I say and she nods. "Miranda and David, they keep getting threatening letters. She says. "Um, who are they. I ask her confused. ,,Nathan's parents. She says. I feel a fit of jealousy. Nathan's parents, you are still in contact with them. I ask her. She nods. "Yeah, occasionally. She says. ,,Why. I ask her. Because I lived there for almost 2 years calum, they treated me like their own daughter. She says. I sigh. "calum. she says and I get up. "Are you seriously angry about this? She asks me as I walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and hang over the sink. I feel Lotte's hands down my back. "I love you babe. she says and kisses my back. "Why are you still going there? I ask her. ,,It's my family Cal, Miranda feels like a mother to me. I can't just push them aside all at once. she says and looks at me through the mirror. "It's not that easy, they took care of me. I can't suddenly say goodbye. Not while they're in ghost town. she says and I look at her and sigh. I hold her against me. "you don't lose me, okay. She says. "Okay babey, I don't want to lose you again. I say and give her a kiss.

Lotte pov.

I walk downstairs with calum behind me. Lucas nods at me. I walk towards them. Ryan and danny look at me. "She's got another one. Lucas says softly and I sigh. ,,We will be in Australia in 4 days. Then we'll go see her. Me anyway. I tell them. "What if it's toto. Ryan says. ,,I do not think so. We will then see and see how to fix it. I say and calum comes my way. We are not going down that path again. says danny. "Come on babe. Calum asks and I nod. If we have to, we will. I say to the boys and I walk with calum.

Lara and I walk into the room. I'm wearing jeans with a black-red glitter blouse. from luke. And lara is wearing a white skirt with a light green blouse. We sit down on the couch. "Good evening ladies. says the man. ,,good evening. we say. ,,so the new album is number 1. Congratulations. The man says and the crowd starts clapping. ,,thank you. we say. Okay, I think a lot of things have happened lately. She says man and looks at me. ,,san francisco is a special place for you lotte, tell me. She says man and I sigh. ,,um, in this place 6 years ago I had my first date with calum, and yes, that's when our story begins. Lots of bumps and holes. I say and he looks at me. "Yeah, but you're back together. He asks and I nod. ,,Yes, and as I think you all have seen, I have a beautiful ring on my finger. So yes, it's going very well. I say and smile. ,,but what kind of ring is that lotte. the man says and I feel my smile growing. "It's a wedding ring. He asked me to be his wife. I say happy. "Congratulations Lotte. the man says happily. ,,Thank you. I say happily. "Lara, what do you think? the man asks. I really like it a lot. I've known them both for a very long time and if you see what they've been through together. Then yes, you just see that they belong together. she says and takes my hand. I smile at her. "And you Lara, have you found love again. Pictures have surfaced of you with 5sos drummer ashton. the man asks and Lara chuckles. Yeah, Ashton and I are actually good friends. No more. And yes, sometimes you do one on one things with friends and we both think it should be possible. She says and I nod. ,,Okay, we have a few more questions from fans. he says and we nod. ,,Who is your best drinking buddy. He asks. I chuckle. ,,depends. If you want a quiet drink, a fruity cocktail. Then Michael is perfect. Do you think yes, I really want to go into the club and have a good drink. Then calum is perfect. If you want to wake up in the morning without remembering anything from the night before. Then you need Ashton. And Luke, yes, he always comes with me. I say smiling and everyone nods. "Okay, what are the boys for you. you always say it's family so how do you describe your relationships. He asks. ,,Okay, I get this question so often and I'm going to straighten it now. Ashton, ash is the father. I can say everything to him and he really sincerely gives his opinion and advice. Michael is my best friend, I can laugh, cry and go crazy with him. Calum yes, calum is the best thing that happened to me so I won't say anything more about it. And luke, yes luke is my everything. I say and he nods. So a good relationship with everyone. He says. "Yeah, and I can't choose between them, I love them all. But all in a different way. I say and he nods.

We walk into the concert building and I can already hear the music. We walk to the side of the stage. The guys are singing she looks so perfect. Calum walks back and he sees me. he quickly comes my way and gives me a kiss and runs back on stage. I smile. ,,he is so cute. Lara says and I nod. ,,Yes. He is. I say and we continue watching the concert.

My Old, New Friends (English)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang