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Lotte pov.

we are sitting on the couch. It is half past twelve in the evening. "We're going to drive now. we hear the bus driver yell. The bus starts moving. "We'll be in Washington early tomorrow. Luke says and I nod. calum puts his arm around me and luke sits on my lap. "Oh Luke. I say when I can't breathe and push him off me. "What, this bus is too small for all of us. he says with a laugh. Okay, we have to sleep in a bed together. Calum says and I look at him. ,,together. I ask him and he nods. "That won't fit. I say. ,,Oh, you two are on top of each other half the time. Youll be fine. Ashton says, looking at me sideways. "Are you jealous Irwin. I ask him. He looks at me. ,,yes I am. He says and we start laughing. The door opens and Lara and Raven enter. ,,aww raven. I say happily and he comes my way. Now it's fun, now it's gone. Ashton says with a laugh and we nod. I grab raven on lap and raven stands on calum's lap and he grabs raven so he doesn't fall. His hands go to calum's hair and pull it once. ,,ow. Says calum as he unties ravens. "If I do it, it doesn't matter. I say laughing and calum looks at me with a shut-your-mouth look. luke and ashton chuckle. Calum puts ravens on the ground. ,,we are going to bed. Lara says as she picks up Raven. ,,sleep well. I say as Calum puts his arm around me again. I grab his hand and play with his fingers a bit. ,,lot. I hear and look up. ,,what. I ask as Luke looks at me. "I asked you something. He says. "ow, what. I ask. He shakes his head laughing. ,,If you like it, your own tour alone. He says. We are not alone, you are there too. We sleep in the same hotel. I say and they nod. ,,Yes that is true. says michael who is playing a game. ,,I'm going to sleep. I say when I get up. "Then I'll go with you. Says calum. ,,sleep well. says Luke. "goodnight. I say and I walk to Calum's bed. I sigh and take off my clothes. ,,Lotte. Calum says as he puts his hands on my breasts. ,,what. I ask laughing as I put on a shirt. Everyone is here. he says with a laugh. ,,So. I say laughing and climb into the bed. I hear Calum taking off his clothes and getting into bed moments later. I lay all the way against the edge and calum just barely falls out of the bed. I sigh and let calum lie on his back. I lie between calum and the wall and put my leg over his and my head on his chest. "Sleep well baby. He says and kisses my head. ,,sleep well callie. I say and close my eyes.

I wake up because I just can't sleep. I hear Calum snore softly and smile at him. I crawl over him and get out of the bed. I sigh and grab an extra blanket and walk to the back. I lay down on the couch and put the blanket over me. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. I sigh and lie down. I grab a pillow from the couch and close my eyes again.

calum pov.

I wake up and feel an emptiness next to me. I look at my phone and see it's 7 o'clock. I get up and look for Lotte. I open the door to the back room and see her lying peacefully on the couch. ,,hm. I hear her mumble and walk towards her. I sort of pick her up and sit on the couch. Lotte wiggles towards me. She lies down between my legs and lays her head on my stomach. She puts her arm around my thigh and she is silent again. I grab the blanket and wrap it around her again. I also fall asleep again.

"Look how cute they are. I hear someone say and then feel a kiss on my stomach. I smile and open my eyes. I see that Lotte is also awake and I lie down differently. ,,what time is it. I ask her. ,,half past eight She says and yawns. She sits up and I take the blanket from her. I lie back down and close my eyes again.

Lotte pov.

Calum closes his eyes again and I smile. We still have two hours to drive. I stand and get ready for the day. I know we're going to have breakfast somewhere at 11:30 so I grab an apple and sit in the kitchen area. I look a little out the window and listen to music. I look through instagram and twitter a bit. I'm playing a new song. I feel someone standing behind me and then I feel two arms around me. "hey babe. I hear and calum takes an earpiece from my ear. "Oh no not this one. he says as he makes a dirty face. "It's your own music. I say laughing as he turns off heartbreak. The number in case you didnt know on it. "Oh, this one is for me. he says happily and wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder. ,,what time is it. I ask him. "Almost time to go. He says. Then I have to wear something else. I tell him. "First we go to the hotel, to take a shower. Calum says and I nod. I'm going to snuggle up to him again. "Did you sleep last night? He asks. ,,Until 3 o'clock or so, then not anymore, so I lay down on the couch. I say and he nods. ,,I missed you this morning. He says. "Aww, I'll be back tonight. I say to him and he nods. "You're free tonight. He asks and I nod. ,,yes, then tour for a month. Then we go to san Francisco for the release party of our new album happiness. And then we have another month or two to promote it and then we go back to Australia. I say and he nods. ,,But we're staying in the house, of LA. I say afterwards. He nods. ,,Okay. Then we won't see you until San Francisco. Because we're going to montreal in three days, and you're going to vegas anyway. Calum says and I nod. ,,Yes. I say when the bus stops. By the way, I have arranged something for you. I say when I get up. Luke enters. "Great, Luke. I say and he looks at me. ,,what. he asks, rubbing his eyes once. ,,I arranged for you to record 2 live songs in the vault. in montreal. I say happy. "Really, that's so cool. Luke says and gives me a hug. "That's really great. Maybe we can do easier and teeth. Says calum. new songs. I ask and he nods. ,,Lotte, I need your advice. Lara says and I nod. ,,Tonight we are together, chilling in my room. She says behind it and I nod. ,,good. I say and we get off the bus. We pack our things and walk into the hotel. Karin and matt have already checked us in. I walk with calum to the right room. We are all on the same floor. I open the door and it's really nice. We have a bench with table and a large double bed and the bathroom. Large bath and rain shower. I look at calum. "What time do you have to leave. I ask him and smile. In three hours or so. Says calum. I look at him. "Babe, you can just walk normally again. Calum says and I start laughing. "No, I wasn't talking about that. Wine, snacks, bubble bath. I ask him and he nods. ,,deal. He says. "I'm going to get it okay. He says and kisses my forehead.

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