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Lotte pov.

We are back from the US tour. 5sos was so good. I am proud of them all. Tomorrow I have to go to school again. I havent spoke to my father again. I wrote 2 songs during this time of the tour to let my emotions go. Lara is also all right. She stayed at home during this time and looked after the plants. "Ready for school." Lara says, slinging her bag over her shoulder. I nod. "Guys, we have to go to school. Lara shouts around the house and the boys come downstairs. "Who's driving?" I ask. "I am." Michael says and grabs the keys. We all get in the car and drive to school. When we arrive we immediately walk on because we are a bit late. Lara opens the door and we walk in. We sit down and listen to the teacher. ,,ow noo. Our pig is back." Nick says, pushing me. "Leave me alone." I say and focus on the teacher again.

the last hour has come. Finally. Just a moment and then the bell rings. When the bell rings, I quickly walk to my locker and open it. I drop my book and bend down to pick it up. I grab my coat and walk outside. Suddenly the group of bullies are around me. Nick the leader of the group looks at me. He pushes me to the ground and starts kicking me. "Hey stop." I hear someone yell and then everything goes black.

I feel dizzy and get up. I am immediately pushed back. I see it's Lucas. A boy from my school. "Stay down." He says. I sigh. "What happened?" I ask. "Guys came up to you and beat you up." He says and looks at me. "What time is it?" I ask him. He takes out his phone. "It's 10 o'clock," he says. I look at him. "I have to go home." I say when I get up. I immediately feel dizzy again and sink to my knees. I feel two strong arms around me. I look at him. he still has his arms around me. He notices and, startled, remove his arms from my hips. "um.. sorry." he says, scratching his head. he also gets a blush on his cheeks. "Are you hungry?" he asks. I nod. we walk down. "Okay what do you want?" he asks. ,,does not matter. just something." I say. "Pancakes." He asks and I nod. "I'll help you." I say. I take the flour and put it in the bowl, only it blows all the way up. Lucas hangs above it. His whole face is white. he looks at me and i laugh. "Oh do you like that." he says and throws the rest of the flower over me. "Lucas." I yell. I throw an egg at his head. " you shouldn't have done that." He says and runs after me. through the flower on the ground i fall and i pull lucas along. Lucas falls on his hands and is now half on top of me. I look straight into his beautiful green eyes. he comes closer with his head.

we are sitting on the couch. we've just finished the pancakes or what's left of it and are going to watch a movie now. I feel tired in the middle of the movie.

lucas pov.

we're going to watch a movie. I put my arm around her. I see her slowly sinking. she falls asleep on my chest. I am also starting to get tired. I lift Lotte and bring her upstairs and put her in my bed and then go to the guest room. in the middle of the night I hear a scream. I immediately run to Lotte's room. there she is crying on the bed. I run over to her and wrap my arms around her. after a while she calms down and then I ask what happened. "I dreamed about the old days again," she says. "About what?" I ask. "I'll explain sometime," she says. I nod. "Do you want to stay with me?" she asks. I nod and lie down next to her.

I wake up and am alone in the room. I walk downstairs and there I see Lotte standing. "Good morning." I say. "Oh Lucas. You scared me." she says. she's set the table with sandwiches and everything. I sit down and she puts an egg on my plate. "Luke just called. he's coming to get me." she says. I nod. "I'm sorry you have to leave now. We'll see each other again in a few days." I ask her. she nods. the bell rings when we are cleaning up. I open and Luke opens. "Hey Luke." I say. he says hi back. "Luke." I hear Lotte calling and she comes running and she hugs him. "Lucas thank you so much for everything." She says and gives me a hug. "No problem." I say back. I wave them off then clean everything else.

Lotte pov.

I get into the car and sit behind Ashton. ,,where are we going. I ask them. "Going home, we just got out of the studio. Calum says and I nod. I look out the window and my phone rings.

,,Hello tthis is Charlotte Hemmings. I say. ,,Hi with Tanja Hemmings. you probably don't know me but i'm luke's aunt. your niece is ill, she has a rare cancer and cannot treat her here in the UK. in Australia they are already more into it. if she stays here she will die. I know I didn't say anything. never. sorry about that. but can ella come to you to go to the hospital there.'' apparently my aunt asks. ,, um .. sorry ma'am .. I don't know you and yes .. I'll give my brother something else.'' I ask her. "Yeah, that's good," she says. I tap Luke and hand my phone to him. I get out of the car and walk to my room. I open my window and sit on the edge. My room door opens. ,,lotte ..can I speak to you?' he asks. I nod and move up so Luke can sit there. That woman was my aunt. ella is my niece. she has cancer and is coming here. Luke says. ,,but. But. what about the tour? I ask. "We're postponing it." Luke says disappointed. ,,no. your tour in America. okay you're a support act but you've been looking forward to this so much. you go. I will stay here. I don't even go to school. but you're going to do your tour." I say. he gives me a hug. "You're the best." He says and kisses me on the cheek.

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