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Lotte pov.

I turn around once. My phone rings and I open my eyes. Lara says I'm picking up. ,,The time has come, Lotte, my water has broken. She says in a panic and I am immediately awake. ,,Don't panic lara, everything will be fine. I tell her. We'll get there right away. I say to her. I turn to calum. I shake him. ,,What is it. He asks. ,,Lara is going to give birth, we have to go. I say quickly and get up. ,,exciting. Says calum and he jumps up. we drive to lara's house and see ashton's car. ,,Ash is there too. I say and open the door. We walk upstairs and I see Ashton already in the hallway. "She's inside. He says and I walk into the room. I see the doctor and Lara lying down. I walk up to her and grab her hand. "You can do this. I tell her and she starts pushing.

We hear a baby crying. Lara sighed in relief. The baby is completely healthy. The doctor says and hands the baby to Lara. ,,a healthy boy. she says to me. "a boy. I say and give her a kiss on the head. ,,what is his name. asks the doctor. "His name is raven robin domijn. She says. I smile at her. The door opens and I see Ashton's head. ,,come on in. says lara. Calum and Ashton enter. ,,Meet Raven. says lara. A beautiful boy. Ashton says and we nod.

*3 months later*

Our first concert again, after half a year. We start in Sydney, 3 evenings. We are the support act for 5sos and everything is going well with lara and raven. I look at her and smile at her. We are in the concert hall. ,,your first performance. I say to raven and he grabs my finger. His beautiful blue eyes look at me. ,,Aunt Lotte is a good singer. says lara. "Just like mom. I say and look at her. "I'm really proud of you. Steven would be super proud of you too. I say and she gives me a hug. "Watch him carefully. Lotte says to Lucas. "with my life. says Lucas, grabbing ravens on his lap. I put in my earphones. our new album is also out. "Come on. I say and take her hand. We walk onto the stage. everyone starts screaming. The tunes start and we start to sing.

There were nights when the wind was so cold

That my body froze in bed

If I just listened to it right outside the window

There were days when the sun was so cruel

That all the tears turned to dust

And I just knew my eyes were drying up forever

I finished crying in the instant that you left

And I can't remember where or when or how

And I banished every memory you and I had ever made

But when you touch me like this

And you hold me like that

I just have to admit

That it's all coming back to me

When I touch you like this

And I hold you like that

It's so hard to believe but

It's all coming back to me

It's all coming back

It's all coming back to me now

There were moments of gold

And there were flashes of light

There were things I'd never do again

But then they'd always seemed right

There were nights of endless pleasure

It was more than any laws allow

Baby, baby

If I kiss you like this

My Old, New Friends (English)Where stories live. Discover now