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Lotte pov.

I wake up in a room I don't know. I see that my shirt is too long and I walk downstairs and see Lucas sitting on the couch. "Hey, did you slept well. He asks and I nod. ,,I put a shirt of mine on you, you did fallen asleep pretty quickly. He says. ,,Yes that's OK. I say to him. "You did stop with my father, didn't you. I ask him and he sighs. "He wants me back. I'll only go if you go back. He says. I run my hand through my hair. "Maybe you have some pants for me. I ask him and he nods. We walk upstairs and he hands me some sports shorts. I button up his shirt and walk back downstairs.

I'm doing some shopping. Be right back x

i grab my cellphone and see i have a few missed calls from calum. i call sophia.

l: hey soof. i'm with lucas. i think i will go back to australia tomorrow.

s: hey oh god you are unharmed. yes eleanor and i will go with you. calum and luke are really worried. I heard it from Luke by the way. I'm sorry for you.

l: yes tell me i'm good and go back to australia. is good I will buy 3 plane tickets. I'll still call for what time and such. i have to go kiss.

Sophia says bye and then I hang up. I still call Lara and she also goes back with Steven. not much later Lucas comes in. "I'm going home tomorrow," I say. he nods.

It is already two weeks later and we are back at school. We have a nice new boy in the building with us. His name is Nathan. He is slightly tinted and has black hair. Actually a bit like calum only without tattoos but piercings. Tomorrow there will be a party for the new ones. Eleanor comes running in. ,,tv, 5 now. she says in panick. Sophia turns on the TV and the news is on. there is my father on tv. Escaped from prison. I sigh and let myself fall backwards.

The next day I walk into class and sit somewhere in the back. I look outside. after a while the rest comes in too. sophia sits down next to me. There is a party for the new students on Friday. just like you had." she says. I nod. "Okay so." I ask. "You have to come with me," she says. "You can't force me." I say and look out the window. I see her nodding. ,,That's right, but Lara is also coming and you have a performance there, if you like it,' she says. I immediately turn to her. A performance, you mean it. my first real performance." I say happily. ,,But then we still have to practice.'' I say stressed. ,,it'll be fine. we've already arranged something." says sophia. Suddenly the director comes in. ,,Lotte, you can go. you are free for the rest of the week and on Thursday you can practice in the cafe.'' he says. I nod. I get up and walk out of the classroom. I walk to my room and see Lara sitting there. "Laar." I yell. she looks up and runs to me. I give her a hug. ,,that is a long time ago. how have you changed." she says. "And that ear piercing is really nice," she says. I smile. "Thank you." I say. we walk down. and go to the music room. we are going to sit. "What are we going to do?" I ask. she shrugs. I take a piece of paper and put numbers in front of it. ,,a few covers and a few of us.'' I ask. after a while we have all the numbers. "Okay sorry from Justin Bieber, or perfect from One Direction." I ask. ,,we can do them both,'' Lara says. "That's not possible. we can only do 5 songs. I say. "Yeah, I know, but we can also put them together," she says. I nod. Yes, that's possible. I write it on the paper. ,,Okay, now we just have sing songs. the first 5 and then 1 more sing and dance songs.'' I say. she nods. 1. She looks so perfect. 2. Broken home. 3. Im gonna love you, like im gonna lose you. 4. Live while we were young. 5. Sorry, you're perfect. 6. Love you goodbye

We'll start with the numbers. I look at the lyrics to love you goodbye. I sit on the floor with a guitar on my legs. I sigh. ,,What is it. she asks and I shake my head. ,,We have to have clothes for our first performance. Lara says after a while. "Yes, but not now. I'm tired." I say. she nods and we walk to the room. We're going to take a shower and then we'll go to sleep. lara sleeps with me. I have a double bed.

the alarm goes off and we get up. I put on my black skinny jeans with a white blouse. lara puts on a skirt with a blouse. I hear someone knock on the door and I open the door. there is the headmistress of the school. "Good morning Lotte," she says. "Good morning ma'am." I say back. ,,Here are backstage tickets for Friday. I've got one for you, lara, sophia, eleanor and two more for anyone you want." she says. I nod. "Thank you ma'am." I say and she walks away and I close the door. sophia comes to me. "Why was the headmistress at the door?" she asks. ,,for backstage tickets. I have two left." I say. she nods. Who do you give those others to? '' Lara asks. "I'm thinking one of Nathan and one of Lucas." I say. they nod. I open the door and walk to Nathan's room. I knock. a sleepie nathan opens the door. "Hey." He says in an incredibly sexy morning voice. "hey." I say. "What is it?" he asks. "Oh yes.. you know that Lara and I have to perform Friday.." I say and he nods. ,,Well here's your backstage pass.'' I say and hand his backstage pass to him. he takes it. ,,thank you. I have to go now but I'll see you." He says and gives me a hug and then closes the door. I walk back to lara and sophia. eleanor has already been added. ,,oohh.. someone is in love.'' Sophia says with a wink. I feel I must blush. we walk outside. "And then calum." I hear Lara say in a whisper. "Who?" I say smiling and we walk on. We enter a nice shop with all kinds of dresses. I quickly found a few nice dresses and put them on. I finally put on a nice smoking dress. it is short in the front and longer in the back and it has an open back. I walk out of the dressing room. ,,Wow.'' ,,That's really beautiful.'' ,,You really should take it.'' I hear from all sides. I smile and take off the dress and put my own clothes back on. I pay for the red dress and we walk towards 'home'. "El, are you going to sleep?" I ask. she nods. "Yeah," she says and we continue walking.

I get up and walk to the shower. I shower and do my make-up and put on jogging pants with a shirt and a vest. I walk to the club with lara. we practice some more and then steven comes running with starbucks. "Hey baby." He says and gives Lara a kiss. I give him a hug. "That was a long time ago." He says, I nod and we talk some more. then we practice the dances and go back home. it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. we eat some more. ,,I'm going to sleep for a bit more. I'm pretty tired." I say. "Yeah, that's good." Lara says. I take a shower and then I go to bed.

,,lotte.. wake up.'' I hear a voice say. I open my eyes and I see Sophia standing there. "You have to get ready." She says and walks away. I get up and put on jogging pants and a sweater. I grab my heels, dress, jogging pants, shirt. I walk out the door and walk with sophia and eleanor to the club. I see Steven and Lara standing there already. lou arrives. "Hey lou." I say and give her a hug. "Let's make you even more beautiful," she says. she does our hair and makeup. It's already time and lara and I are putting on our dress. we already hear people coming in. I'm starting to get nervous. "Lotte, you must remain calm. nothing can happen." Lara says. I nod and breathe in and out. "And now L&L." We hear someone yell and we get up. everyone starts cheering and clapping. the sounds of love you goodbye sound and I start singing.

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