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calum pov.

it's been another week since we got a message from thom. thom is her regular doctor. of the problems of the past. we are in the same house in america as the first time. this is where lotte and I really started. that was here. and then I screwed up. i sit outside enjoying the view until the bell rings. I see Michael standing up and a moment later he comes back. "Calum." He yells and I look up. I see him standing and diagonally behind him stands Lotte. I take off my sunglasses and get up. I open my arms and she runs into my arms. she wraps her arms and legs around me and hugs me. after a while she lets go of me and gives the rest a quiet hug. "Aren't you glad she's awake again?" I ask happy. they chuckle. "She's been awake for a week," Ashton says. "We had already Skyped her quite often on phone calls and stuff," says Michael. I look at them open-mouthed. "Surprise." I hear Lotte say. "Did lara and steven know this too." I ask, they nod. then they come in. "Lotte." Lara yells and hugs her too. she comes and sits next to me on the couch. I put my arm around her. "I love you." she whispers in my ear. I feel myself blush and she presses her lips to mine.

lotte pov.

I press my lips against his. I missed this. when i pull back ashton asks how it was. ,,I walked through a tunnel and at the end there was a door and my mother and nathan were behind it. they said they would support me with whatever choice I made. nathan said he would love me forever and stand behind me too. He wanted me to be happy. that was with him or with calum. he said to make you happy. you love me. all this time. What you said in those videos I knew for sure. I'll never let you go." I say and kiss Calum again. I feel him smile against my lips. I withdraw. ,,I am going to take a shower. I stink." I say. "Oh that's what I smell all the time." I hear Ashton say. I grab a pillow and throw it at him. "Can I come with you?" I hear Calum ask. suddenly it is completely silent. I nod and run inside "do it safe." I hear Luke yell. I shake my head and lock the door when calum is there too. he starts kissing me. ,,calum not yet.'' I say and he nods. I see a little disappointment in his eyes. we step into the showers. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I immediately feel his tongue and allow it. I feel his hands on my ass. When we're done we get out and I go to sleep. I pull Calum into his bed that I'm already in. I'm only wearing a thong and a crop top sweater. calum puts his arm around me and puts me to sleep.

The next morning I wake up and I can't see calum anymore. I decide to get up and walk downstairs. I see everyone sitting outside and I stand in the doorway. "There is our sleeping beauty. Luke says giving me a hug. ,,Thanks, I'm all wet now too. I say with a sigh and turn around to put on a bikini. After a while I walk back down and jump into the water. after I have been lying for 2 hours I get up and walk inside. I grab a sandwich when I discover I haven't had breakfast yet. I put on shorts and a black nirvana shirt. I walk outside again. "Do you need starbucks?" I yell. everyone says yes. "I'll go with you." I hear Luke. I nod and walk back inside. I grab money and my cellphone and we walk out of the house and downstairs. we walk down the street and round the bend. it's our turn right away. ,,5 large frappechino's chocolate and 2 medium. 7 muffins." Luke says and I pay. when everything is ready we walk back to the house. I give calum and ashton their starbucks and take off my shorts and shirt and sit back on the chair. i finish my starbucks and enjoy my muffin. I look at the boys. they have changed so much, they have aged much. More mature, more muscular. I wipe my eyes once. ,,What is wrong. Michael asks who is sitting next to me. I shake my head. You have changed so much in that time, older, more mature and more muscular. I missed it all. I sigh. They nod. ,,We also recorded another album. Ashton says. I look at them. ,,Really. When is it out. I ask. ,,tomorrow. says Luke. ,,It's called sounds good feels good.'' Calum says and I nod. After a while it is already 5 o'clock and we order a pizza. It just feels like yesterday. I say to them when I put a slice of pizza in my mouth. "Yeah, you're still so charming. Says calum who wipes the pizza remnants from my mouth. "That's what you like about me so much. I say to him when I have empty my mouth. Everyone starts laughing. We watch a little TV in between. "I'm going to sleep right now. I tell them. I walk upstairs and get into the bed. Before I know it my eyes are closing.

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