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Lotte pov.

"Okay, this is what we know. I say as I put the papers on the table and look at the boys. ,,are you OK. Lucas asks as he puts his hand on mine. "Yeah, it's fine. I say when I focus not to cry. Dad was working on this. His boss, Toto Harold, lives in England. He owes money there and he owes us, so I'm going to find out how much and for what. And from there we'll see how or what. I say and stand up again. "So, I'm upstairs again. I say and walk up the stairs again. I walk back into the office and look around, after a while I find a laptop. I take this and open it. A password. I do my name. refused. I key in my birthday and it opens. I open a few folders and come to the images. From me, what the police told me. I click on one and see myself, but not naked on the bed. With a guitar, singing, my own song. I watch the video confused and click on the next one. Myself singing again. I shake my head confused and look through the mail to where these were sent. I see a lot of emails with record deals, everywhere. London, LA, Australia. He sent my singing videos to the rest, to get me known. I put my hand over my mouth. I'm looking at the other files. Which are mine, in bed. Exactly the same name. Same length of time. I get tears in my eyes again. I hear a knock on the door and see Lucas enter. "Hey we're going- what's wrong. He asks as I look at him crying. I shake my head and Lucas pulls me into a hug. "I've been such a bad daughter. I say crying to him. "Hey, what's up. He asks as he holds me tight. "Dad tried to help me. He wanted to make me famous, he wanted a better life for us, and I killed him. I say crying into his neck. ,,Lotte breath. It is okay. Lucas says calmly. "How can I stay calm. I killed my fucking father while he was looking for a better life for us. I say as I let go of Lucas and entwine my hands in my hair. ,,Lotte it's good. It's been 1.5 years. He says and walks over to me. I shake my head. ,,I have to leave. I say as I grab my bag and go down the stairs. ,,where are you going. he asks as he runs after me. "I need air. I say to him and walk out the door. I run to the forest. I run to the spot. Where he is buried. Somewhere secret, in the middle of the forest. I fall to my knees at his grave. I start to cry again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry I wasn't at your funeral. I'm sorry I took your life. I say softly with my head in my hands. "Sorry I wasn't the daughter you wanted. I'm sorry I didn't choose you. I love you. I sigh and look at the place. "I have to do this. for you. I say softly when I get up. ,,for us. I sigh and wipe my tears away. I walk back to the house. I open the door and walk upstairs. I go back to the laptop and look for everything I can find about Toto Harold. I open the cupboard and take out a weapon. "What are you planning to do. I hear behind me and turn around. "I'm going to put this right. Without you. You go back to America, to Lara and Alice. Practicing for the shows. I'll be there in 3 days. I say to Ryan and he looks at me. ,,be careful. He says and I nod. I call mass and ask if he has time. ,, do you have a plane, now, yes. I say and hang up. See you in 3 days. I say and hand my phone to Lucas. ,,3 days okay. He says and I nod. I look at him. ,,like Jack. Over and out. Lucas says as I walk out the door. I get in the taxi and go to the airport. ,,over and out. I say when I sit down on the chair.

The airplane lands. ,,In 2 days the same time, Mrs Hemmings. asks mass. I nod. ,,2 days. Same time, same place. Over and out. I say and he nods. ,,Yes Boss. He says and flies off again. I sling my backpack over my shoulder. I sigh and walk to the village. Looking for house number 24. After walking through the city for half a day, I see the house number. I sigh and open the front door. ,,welcome home. I sigh and let myself fall on the couch.

I close the door. Tonight, at 5 o'clock I have to be at the airport. I sigh and walk with my backpack on my back to the house. I tie my boots well. The black skinny jeans and my black heels complete my outfit. I brush my hair behind my ears and knock. a big fat man opens the door. "Toto Harold. I say and look at him. ,,what do you want. he asks angrily. "Toto Harold. I say again, a little more arrogant this time. "upstairs. he says and let me in. I walk up the stairs and see two other fat men. "Yes, can I go in. I say when I push them aside a bit. "And who can you be sweetie. says a man. I look at him and smile at him. "Not yours fatass. I say and look at him arrogantly. ,,excuse me. He says angrily when he comes to stand in front of me. "You heard me, fatass aside. say i I'm angry now and he moves to the side. I open the door. ,,Never heard of knocking. I hear an angry man's voice say. "No, cant you see that. I say as I walk in and sit on the chair. A man around 40 looks at me. he is small and thin. I cross my legs. "You are toto. I ask smiling. ,,yes, and who are you. He asks. I smile. "Okay, I'm Mary. I say when I want to shake his hand. He looks at me. "Don't know Mary. He says. ,,char, lotte, the devil. I say as I place my hands on his desk and lean forward. He looks at me. "devil. You don't look like that. he says with a laugh. "Okay sorry, jack smith's daughter. Or how you know him, satan. I say as I extend my hand again. I see something change in his eyes and I frown. "Jack's daughter, I've heard a lot about you. He says. "Oh, I havent heared anuthong about you at all. I say as I withdraw my hand and sit into the chair. "So, Mary, Jack's daughter. What do you want. He asks. As you know, we still owe each other some money. I have calculated everything further what you get from me and I from you. This comes to 500 euros. Say I and grab my backpack and take the money out. I give it to him. "From now on you leave me, my family and friends alone. I say when I want to walk away. "Why should I, devil, I want you on my team. He says. Yeah, everyone, join the back of the line. I say to him. I always get what I want. He says angrily as he stands up. "Well, Mr. Toto, not me, my own father did not get me. I say when I look at him angrily. "Did you find out who killed him? He asks and I nod. "And what have you done with that one. He asks again as he sits down. No, it's hard to do something if it's been me. I say and sit on the chair. ,,So, toto, we're good now without any further quarrels or problems. I ask him when I look straight at him. He gets up and walks over to me. His finger strokes my cheek and I quickly grab his hand. "Touch me once again. and your next bed will be a coffin. I say and get up. "Like you're so rough. he says with a laugh. I'm going to stand in front of him. "I killed my own father. So yes, if I see or hear you again, with my friends or family. Can you say goodbye to yours. I say. He takes his weapon and puts it against my head. I take a step closer and look into his eyes. ,,OK Go ahead. I say and I look into his broken eyes. ,,Never show the weaknesses in the other. That's your end. I say when I take his gun. He got scared. ,,Do we have a deal. I ask him and he nods. "Yeah, deal. He says and I throw the gun at him and walk out the door. "Sorry bacon, I'm going again. I say to the nasty guard. I walk out of the house. My heart is in my throat. I look at my watch, 4:45 PM. I start running. A time limit of 5 minutes. I can already see the plane. I run towards it and then hear a few shots and I fall to the ground.

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