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Lotte POV.

He is standing there and he looks at me. He is coming my way. He comes to stand in front of me and strokes his vinger over my cheek. ,, Hey Lotte. Are you here again. Your father would like that. Nick says challenging. ,,my father. I ask him and he nods. ,, Yes, he would be very happy to hear that you are back in town. He says. ,,he is not even here. I tell him. ,, Yes. He says. ,, Nick, leave her alone. I hear Lucas behind me. ,, Why, we have to go to London, you haven't told her yet. We will leave next week. And you dear darling. Must come along. Nick says to us and I look at Lucas. ,,no. I say dry and want to walk away. Nick takes me. ,, No, okay, if you don't want to see your brother and friends again. He says angry. I look at him. ,, Sure Nick, you don't even know where they are. I tell him. He takes his phone. ,, Hey Jeffery. Yes, Luke is now in LA with the boys. Yes, Calum is wearing a checkered blouse. He says to the phone. My eyes are growing up. ,,you do not do that. I tell him. ,, As long as you listen to me. He says angry when he hangs. I sigh and nod. ,,fine. I say when I look at Lucas. ,, I will come for you. He and I nod.

It's a week later. I grab my suitcase and open the front door. I see Lucas and Nick coming. I look at them and step in. ,, What did you say to the rest. Nick asks. ,, Nothing, against Lara that I went to Harry. I say and sit in the back. When we sit in the airplane I put in ears and look out the window. When we have landed we see what people stand. We walk on it. We board his car. They drive to a large house. With all 'surveillance'. Or people who work for my father. We are let in and we walk into the living room. There he is. my father. If I can still call him that. We sit on the couch. ,, Well, see who we have there. My beautiful daughter. "" Say my father dirty. "I'm not your daughter." I say. They ignore it and my father continues. ,, You have to pick up a package for me. There are 4 men of mine so nothing happens. Say you come from me and then you get it. "" He says and I nod. "And if you don't do it then Nick has already told you if it's okay." He says after it. I nod. I am finished at the house.

Luke Pov.

We are at home to surprise Lotte. We had heard from management that we were allowed to go on tour again with One Direction. For the entire Tour. And Lotte has arranged it. ,,where is she. I ask panicky when I run down the stairs. ,, Luke, it will be fine. Says Micheal who tries to calm me down. I sigh and let myself fall on the couch. We switch on the TV.

Many shops and companies have been looted in London in the last 2 days. The police do everything to find the perpetrators. We have received through an anonymous tip that it is the old house of 5SOS. A girl was also found in the woods. She was killed. She had brown curly hair and green eyes. A missing is also included for Charlotte Hemmings. Luke Hemmings's sister. If you know something, call the mentioned number.

I stare in front of myself. ,, Harry just applied me that he has not spoken to Lotte for a month. She said she was with him. Lara says. We look at each other. ,, In a week we will leave for the Tour. Ashton says and I nod.

*5 months later*

We are in London. I haven't heard from Lotte this past months. She lied. She's not with Harry. We all walk to Starbucks and order something to drink. After a while a group arrives. I recognize Lucas immediately. A thin girl also comes in with dark red hair. Dressed completely in black. She starts to laugh at something that Lucas says. Another girl says something to her and then she turns around. Then I see it. That's Lotte. I get up and she does too. She runs outside. ,, Call the police. I call the boys and run after Lotte. She runs into an alley and tries to climb over the fence. I grab her by her hips and pull her down. ,, Lotte. I say when I give her a hug. I feel her sigh sigh. ,, Sorry Luke. She says when she pulls herself. ,, You have to leave now. She says in a panic. I hear someone clapping and see Jack. Her father. I'm standing protective from Lotte. I see Lucas and Nick coming and I sigh. ,, Lotte, come here now. Nick says angry. Lotte looks at me and walks past me. I grab her. ,, Stay. I say and she sighs. ,, Luke, not you dont understand, They will kill you, let me go. She says in a panic. I let her go. Calum comes running. ,, We have counted the police. He calls to me. ,, You have what. Jack calls and takes his gun and focuses on Calum.

Lotte POV.

He takes his gun and focuses it on Calum. I look at my father and walk towards him. Nick takes his gun now and he press it against my head. I look diagonally at Calum. ,,I love you. I say when I take Nick his gun and grab my own from my boot. I put Them both on my father. ,, Lotte, if you do that there are 6 others here who do it for me. Says my father and I sigh. I look at the boys. ,, I love you. Be happy. I say when I cross the tractors and run away. I hear a few more shots and then fall on the floor.

My Old, New Friends (English)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ