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calum pov.

I open the hotel room door again and step inside. I hear music coming from the bathroom and I smile. I lock the door and walk to the bed. "babe. I call. ,,here. she yells from the bathroom. I open the door and there are candles everywhere. ,, tadaa. she shouts happily. "Aww, how nice. I say and give her the wine and chips. "Oh, nice. she says and walks to the bedroom. I take off my clothes and step into the bath. The warm water surrounds me and a moment later Lotte enters ín my shirt. She takes it off and she has nothing underneath it. I look at her. ,,you stare. she says as she enters the bath. ,,I know. I say and she sits across from me. ,,Yes. I ask and she nods. I push the button and the bubbles come out. I relax right away. "This is nice. I say and he nods in agreement. ,,How's your album, number 4. She asks. ,,Almost finished, we are going to finish it this year and if all goes well, also release it. I say and look at her. she has her hair in a messy bun. ,,And with your album, happiness. I ask her. ,,Yes, he is almost finished, we are in doubt about two numbers. But we still have a month to do it. She says and I nod. "Then I won't see you for a month. I say. ,,No, but it will be okay, we've had worse. She says. "Yes I know, but for the past 1.5 years I have seen you every day. And in a moment you are gone. takes some time getting used to. I say and she nods. Yes, but it's only a month, not even 26 days. She says. I nod. I go to her. Underwater I feel her thighs and my hands slide to her hips. I give her a kiss. I sit next to her and put my arm around her. Her hands glide over my tattoos. ,,are they nice. I ask her with a smile and she nods. ,,So smoking is a minus and tattoos are pluses. I ask her. ,,Smoking is not an immediate drawback. But yeah, I'd rather you dont do it, but it's your own body and you're old enough to decide for yourself. She says and I nod. "I'm trying to do it for you. I tell her to remember her. ,,I know. Thanks, but sometimes, you look so sexy when you do it. she says softly and looks away. "Wow, so you think it's sexy. I ask her when I look at her. ,,sometimes, when I'm in the mood. she says and looks at me playfully. ,,Lotte Hemmings. I say smiling. ,,yes calum hood. she says playfully back. She comes closer. ,,Lotte. I say softly. "Yeah, sorry, can't help it. She says with a smile as she sits on top of me. ,,babe. I say and look at her. a few haira falls before her eyes. I brush away the tuft of hair and place my hand on her jaw and wipe her cheek with my thumb. ,,I love you. I say looking straight into her eyes. I see that little twinkle again. ,,I love you. she says back. I still look into her beautiful green eyes. Her hands are on my shoulders. I sit up and press my lips to hers. It is a kiss full of love, not a sexual kiss at all. A beautiful sweet kiss. She pulls back and slides down a bit and puts her head on my shoulder. "I really don't want to lose you. She says. ,,me neither. You are the best thing that happened to me. I say and kiss her head.

Lotte pov.

"Good luck Callie. I say and give calum a kiss. "You too with Lara. He says and he walks away. I close the door and knock on Lara's room. The door opens and raven comes running, sort of. With help from lara. I smile. I walk into the room and we sit on the floor. Raven has put some stuff around the room. "Okay what have you got. I ask her as I grab my book. This, I just don't know if it's right. she says and I take her book over.

It's been a year now but still it feels like yesterday

First day of snowfall takes me right back to that day

I feel you near when I close my eyes

Sometimes alone at night I cry

I cry because I miss you

And I never got to say goodbye

If you were right here I know that you would want me happy

But being without you now is more than I can bare

Forgive that I feel the way I'm feeling, I cannot stand to let you go

The only way to forget is to never forget

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