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Lotte pov.

I wake up and see that it is already 10 o'clock. I get up and put on a bigger shirt and walk downstairs. I only see calum sitting at the table. "Hey where is everyone?" I ask him. "Shopping." He says as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Okay." I say as I walk into the kitchen. "ella is still upstairs." I ask calum. "Yes, I think so." He says as he enters the kitchen. Suddenly we hear a bang. We look at each other. I run upstairs and run to Ella's room. I open the door and arrange what I find. Ella is on the floor in a pool of blood. "Call an ambulance." I scream to Calum at the bottom of the stairs and grab a towel from the bathroom. I tie these around Ella's wrists. I hear the ambulance in the distance. Calum comes up with the ambulance people and they put ella on the stretcher. They put her in the ambulance and drive away. I look at my trembling hands covered in blood and I burst into tears. I feel Calum wrap his arms around me. "Shhh, it's going to be okay." He says calmly.

luke pov.

we arrive back home and see an ambulance. they put someone in it. I can't see who it is. they drive away quickly. I run home and see lotte crying against the wall and calum hugging her. I run to Lotte and see that her arms and hands are covered in blood. I pull up Lotte and hug her. "What happened?" I ask Calum. ,,I heard Lotte yell that I had to call an ambulance and moments later Ella was carried into the ambulance with 2 cuts in her wrists.'' Calum explains panicked. I nod and hold Lotte tight. we drive them all to the hospital. once arrived ashton asks where ella hemmings is. ,,room 104.'' Ashton says and we walk towards it. I'm still holding lotte. "We are examining her now, you are not allowed in yet," says the doctor. we nod.

lotte pov.

I go to the toilet and wash my hands. I brushed my face once. I quickly put on shorts with a shirt and a coat. I walk back and see the doctor just walking away. "What did he say?" I ask. "That she is in a coma and if you were a little later she would not have made it .. she now has to choose whether she comes back or leaves." says Luke and now also starts to cry. calum gives him a hug. "Let's go home," Ashton suggests. we nod.

when we arrive home we see Steven's car. I walk upstairs as soon as we get inside. i see lara cleaning ella's room. "Honey, you don't have to do that." I say to her as I sit next to her. "Well it's my job." she says and gets up and gives me a hug. "I just heard from Steven," she says. I hug her back. I heard Luke come up and slammed his door hard. I let go of Lara and walk to Luke's room. he is crying on the bed. I walk over to him and sit next to him, I stroke his back. "Luke." I say. I've never seen him like this, this is a whole different side of luke. I'm starting to cry now too. he is going to sit. he gives me a hug and we lie down again. "Even though Ella is my niece I don't know her very well," he says. "But why are you so upset?" I ask. "Because I thought it was you," he says. I'm starting to cry now too. ,,luke-'' ,,I just love you so much, I don't want to almost lose you again. I used to be never there for you. because I didn't like you because you were my half sister. until Dad started abusing you, you started hurting yourself and I couldn't handle that. I freaked out on Dad that you cut yourself because of him. he got angrier at you and said all sorts of things that made you even more insecure about. it's all my fault. If I hadn't introduced Mama to him, this would never have happened. then this would never have happened to you." he says. i shake my head. "Then I wouldn't be here. yes i am insecure about myself. yes i am bullied at school. but look, my life is so much better now. and that's because of you. you helped me, I'm glad you introduced your mother to him." I say. "Why then?" Luke asks. Because I now have a super sweet brother who is always there for me. who makes a thousand hearts beat faster, who can see the whole world. who saved a girl's life. luke i love you. whatever happens." I say. he kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you you are the best," he says. "I know." I say. he gives me a push.

It is already 3 weeks later.

we have been with ella every day so far. we are sitting in front of the TV when suddenly the phone rings. I look up and get up. I pick up. "Hello with Charlotte Hemmings." I say. "Hello Charlotte, with Doctor Plus, I have good news, Ella just woke up." I say. "What is she awake?" I ask surprised. the rest look at me. "Yes, come on, I can explain some things. ' says Doctor Plus. "Yeah sure.. we'll be right there." I say and hang up. "She's awake." I call and grab my coat.. "Now come on." I call from the hallway and suddenly see everyone running into the hallway. we race to the hospital and walk to ella's room. we all go in with 3 numbers.

she has been awake for a week now and can go home this afternoon. I decided to take her to the woods later. when we get home I help ella put her clothes in the closet. after that we walk down and have something to eat and drink then we walk into the forest. "Why are we here?" Ella asks. ,,I want to show you something.'' I say and we walk a little further into the forest. People are like trees. one is thick and the other is thin. one is small the other large. one is sick while the other is healthy. one is bare and the other has many leaves. they don't look alike but deep down they are exactly the same. just like you and me. You may be bald and I may have hair but we all stay the same. no matter what we look like, remember that. I say and we walk a little further. "Thank you Lotte.. you are a real friend." she says and gives me a hug. When we get home we sit on the couch with the rest. "Where were you?" Ashton asks. "Lotte took me to the forest and tells a tree story," she says happily. I look at Luke and he smiles. we go to dinner and then to bed. We walk upstairs and Luke lays down next to me. ,,The Tree Story. Yes. did you remember that? Luke asks. I nod. ,,Sure.. it hit me when I was depressed. and i thought it would hit ella too." i say and luke puts his arms around me. "But I told you that about 4 years ago," he says. I nod. "That's right." I say. "But why?" he says. "You're my brother.. of course I remember things you say to me." I answer back. "I love you." Luke says and gives me a kiss on my cheek. with those words of me asleep.

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