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Lotte pov.

I wake up to see calum lying on the floor. I sigh and get up and walk downstairs. The bell rings and I open the door. I see danny, lucas and ryan standing. I scream and give them a hug and let them in. We sit on the couch and I give them something to drink. ,,Miranda gave us something else for you. says Lucas who gives me a box. I take it and open it. I see Nathan's shirt. I take it and smell it once. I immediately have tears in my eyes. It still smells like him. I say. Lucas puts his arm around me. I take the letter.

Hey babe,

I really don't know when I'm going to give this or if I'm going to give it to you at all. But I just want to say that I really love you so much. there are still good times ahead of us together.if you ever get or find this letter and i'm gone then i want you to know that i love you. It doesn't matter if I'm there or not. you will always be my number 1 no matter what. stay strong and do what you want. I'm always behind you. I'm so glad I can call you mine too. I liked you the first time I saw you on campus. I should have told you right away that I also work for your father. I do believe in you. you can't trust anyone there except danny blackville and lucas bendogom. no one else. keep going with your music because you can sing really well. I miss you even though you've only been gone for half an hour. make your dreams come true. with or without me.

I love you. xxx nathan.

I smile at the letter. I lean against Lucas. danny and ryan sit across from me. They sit hand in hand. I look up and my eyes widen. ,,o my god. What is that. I say as I sit up and point to their hands. Ryan and danny look at each other. ,,we are engaged. They say happy. "O my god, congratulations. I say happy when I jump up and give them a hug. ,,Are we going to the city. Ask Lucas and I look at him. "Look what I'm wearing. I say when I look at my shirt that is too long. "Well, shower then smelly. He says laughing as he hits me against my butt and I walk up the stairs.

I walk back into the room. I'm wearing black shorts with a black shirt. I'm wearing calum's gray lumberjack blouse. "hey, thats mine." I hear him yell. ,,you saw that correctly. we're going to town." I say. "Yes, we have to record music." I hear Luke shout somewhere. "Okay fine." I yell back. I open the door and at that moment John wants to ring the bell. ,,walk over to they are somewhere over there.'' I say as I take a bite of my apple. I'm taking the boys to town. when it gets dark we go to the beach. we bought wine, drinks and food. we sit on the stones and watch the sea while listening music, chatting and eating and drinking everything. it is a very pleasant evening.

we walk into the room. ryan and danny fall over each other. I start laughing out loud. "Lotte." I hear someone ask sleepily. I turn and see Ashton standing there. in just his underpants. "Hey ashy." I say and start to giggle. "Are you drunk?" he asks. i shake my head. "No." I say. Ashton grabs me and pushes me into a door. I see a blond boy. "Luke your sister is drunk and I think she better she sleeps with you. before she does things she later regrets," Ashton says. I see Luke get up. "Hey brother." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. "Do you see that unicorn too?" I ask and smile again. "Come on." Luke says. he hands me a t-shirt and i put it on when i have undressed. "Are you going to hit me like daddy did?" I ask without wanting to. Luke stands still. "No of course not." He says and comes walking towards me and pulls me into a hug. he puts me in bed and crawls past me.

I wake up. "How's your headache?" I hear a voice say. I open my eyes and look into 2 bright blue eyes. He scared me. "Oh Luke. what are you doing in my bed?" I ask. "What you do in my bed you mean. He says. "You came home drunk yesterday with Danny, Lucas and Ryan. so ashton thought it will be wise for you to sleep with me. before you do things you'll regret," he says. I nod. we walk down and i find lucas on the floor and danny and ryan outside on a lounger. "But how was it yesterday?" asks Michael. ,,awesome. first we went into town and walk around a bit and when it got a bit dark we went to the store and bought food and drinks and we went to the beach. and there we chatted and yes .. it was quite nice.'' I say. "Very nice, yes," says Ashton. I look at him weird. "You've got a hickey on your neck," Luke says. I look in mirror. There's a hickey on the back of my neck. "Who the fuck is that?" Calum asks angrily. "wow chill dude. I think from Lucas." I say. ,,from Lucas. you don't even have anything and I didn-'' ,,calum. 1. I can do what I want. 2 . we have nothing. and 3. who had cheated here when we were dating. Yes you." I say angrily. ,,Yes. but he is your ex. you don't take anything with your ex again." he says. I swallow. ,,Okay. you are my ex too. so you don't want anything with me anymore. okay." I say and feel my eyes water. I swallow and turn around and sit outside on the couch. i see lucas, ryan and danny in the pool. I run to my room and change. I run back outside and jump into the pool. "Your stitches can be removed at the end of this week if you don't do anything to make it open again," Ryan says. I nod. "Okay." I say and sit on the edge. I grab a towel and wrap it around me. When I'm dry I walk inside and go to the bedroom. I grab a white t-shirt and put it on over my bikini. when i open the door i run into lara and go up. "Good morning." They say at the same time. "good morning." I say back and walk into the living room. ,,We're going to an interview.'' 5sos shouts. "We're going to the beach." Steven and Lara shout. "Okay." I call back.

*half hour later*

we are swimming all the time. I walk in to get a drink only because I'm still wet I slip and fall with my stomach on the edge of the table. I scream in pain and see my whole white shirt turn red. "Ryan." I yell loudly and he comes running. "o my god," he says. lucas lifts me up and sets me up. because I'm still wet, the blood is running down from my hip and a pool of blood has formed under my feet. I quickly take off my shirt and then Ryan arrives. "Where should she be?" Lucas asks. I feel myself getting nauseous. "I'm getting nauseous." I say and grab Lucas so I don't fall over. It has to close really soon. otherwise she'll bleed to death." danny exclaims. I feel myself being lifted up and laid on something hard. i see ryan cleaning the wound and stitching it up. I close my eyes. "Done." Ryan says. I want to get up but when I stand on the floor I collapse. Lucas puts an arm around my waist and I walk out with him. we sit on a lounger and danny gives me a glass. "There's a pill in this to make blood quickly," says Danny. I nod. "We're home." I hear Ashton yell. "What the fack happened here?" I hear Luke yell in panic. I walk in. ,,Lotte had an accident.'' says Lucas, who walked along. "What kind of an accident." Calum asks. ,,I went in to get a drink and slipped and came with my stomach on the edge of the table.'' I say and start to laugh. no idea why. I see black spots before my eyes again and grab someone. "Lotte are you okay." I hear Calum ask. I don't respond and everything is black. I don't feel anything anymore.

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