My boyfriend. My first boyfriend. My first kiss. So magical, so beautiful, no matter what the circumstances are... atleast we are here together.

I felt his jaw moving slightly upward as he was going a little feral, probably because of his newfound zeal. He came onto my lips with his own even violently, forcing me to match his pace.

I didn't know... Jungkook was this enthusiastic...and he said this is his first time kissing? How is he so good at everything?

I placed one of my hand in his hair, ruffling and stirring his soft locks, and kept the other one on his chest, where his heart was, to feel the rhythm of his beats. To see if he felt the same things I felt.

And God, did it beat too fast... I couldn't even count how many times it beat in five seconds. It kept on thudding loudly, fastly. Just like mine.

I heard him grunt deeply when I placed my hand next to his heart. I opened my eyes and saw him staring deeply into my soul as he slowly tugged himself away.

"Oh my God, that was..." I panted, covering my lips with my hand.

"I want to try again." He breathed. I was surprised to see his stamina and determination.

"A-Again? I'm not quite sure that I did so well-"

"You did so good, Hana. That's what makes me want to kiss you again."


"You'll get sick if you keep on kissing me." I chuckled softly.

"Doesn't matter, it's worth it." He said, panting as well, "I have waited for so long, I want to devour each and every bit of our first kiss."

I didn't protest again as I nodded shyly, somehow surprised by his sudden confident side.

He slowly crawled over me and I didn't get what was he trying to do, so I rested my back against the hospital bed, roaming my eyes around the room.

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

"What if there are hidden cameras around?" I said and he laughed loudly.

"There are no CCTVs in private wards, Hana. Unless you're in a movie where you are possessed by a spirit and doctors are keeping an eye on you, so they can call the hero to save you."

"Oh, not my fault... I don't always spend my nights in a hospital-"

"shh," he whispered as he placed the pillow behind my back, "never say that. I hope you never have to visit a hospital again."

I smiled at him as I lowered my body, my heart still throbbing. I placed my head on the pillow and Jungkook placed both his hands on either side of me, on the mattress. We weren't exactly laying straight, I was inclined back and Jungkook hovered close to me, keeping his weight to himself by keeping his hands on the surface beside my head.

I straightened my legs on one side so Jungkook had enough space to sit as close to me. I was still a little nervous but that feeling was washed over by this new feeling of desire.

He leaned in again, taking a deep breathe as he mumbled, "you're so beautiful." and charged his lips onto mine. I smiled but that smile couldn't last long because I was soon out of breathe as Jungkook's lips glided over mine for a brief minute.

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