40: Attack

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"Mr. McHawkins?" I immediately stand up when the doctor enters lending a sheet of paper.

"Some Amnesia patients tend to have longer duration before they will remember everything but some unfortunately can't retrieve back their memories. And as for you, you were one of the individuals who has a great chance to remember anything. I know its hard to believe what you are having now but please. Take care of the people that your family. Specially to your wife Mr. Mchawkins, she's been through a lot. Don't let her slip to your hand or you'll lost her forever" The doctor said as I sigh. What she said hit something inside me specially when she said that I might loss my wife. Why does it pains me?

Feeling frustrated to myself for not remembering the  most important people in my makes me angry. Sighing, I slowly sit down beside holding her hand as I wait for her to wake up.







"Fucking stop all of this Clarisse! Why can't you just forget about it? I promise you this time I'll make everything right" I shouted at Clarisse out of frustration while she at the other hand is glaring me deadly while pointing gun at me.

"You know very well Oliver! You're one of the reason why I lost my child! Our child! But then when you leave I have nothing specially when Stevan lived me! I beg! I fucking beg for him to help me! To help me with my child but he turn his back like I was nothing to him at all! And then you! I called for you but you gone missing!" Tears formed as I look at the girl who I love but I screw everything up and i can't blame her for being like this.

"Clarisse. Please forgive me and can we start again?" I tried to approach her but then I stop when she cocked the gun.

"Fucking stay there! Oliver!" She shouted while holding the gun with both her hands.

"I don't have home! I stay in the road, shivering in the cold feeling hell in summer. I beg the both of you but no one listened! I was almost in my due date when Stevan! Your fucking brother! Found his wife and worsen everything! I give birth to our son but he didn't last long due to lack of everything he should take to make him healthy! While Stevan and you is having the worst feeling for lossing her child. The fucking both of you has the gut on being happy? So why blame me for making you loves miserable Oliver when it was the both of you who made mine first?!" As I listen to her words I can't help myself from crying specially when I saw something behind her.

A huge portrait of an ultrasound.

"Clarisse" I call her out, begging.

"Please forgive me, love. Please forgive me wife" I plead to her but maybe I really screw because the next thing she did shock me.







"Hey Joy" I smile a little while caressing Joy's hair while Dad and Joy's best friend are busy taking care of my sons.

I sigh feeling relief that they were here because if not, I don't know what to do.

"Son we will be get going are you good here?" My Dad ask as he brush a little Stevan's hair.

"Take care of my sons Dad" I said before bidding goodbye and goodnight.

I stayed beside Joy for a minute before I went out to get some food but when I came back my heart sunk when I saw nothing. Her bed is empty. I'm in the middle of panicking and worry when somebody called me. I answered it and was greeted by a familiar one.

"Looking for your wife?"

UNWANTED Wife (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now