34: Date 2

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I can't help myself from gasping as I take a look of my surrounding.

"This place is beautiful" I said slowly looking at Stevan who is also looking at me weirdly.

"What? What are you looking at there Mr. Handsome?" I ask as I hold his hand.

"Nah. Just looking at the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on" He muttered making me chuckled. 

"Don't make it obvious that your whipped with me" I said jokingly but what he answere making me stop and rooted at my place.

"Because I am" He said as he look at me lovingly making me giggle inwardly.

"We will be getting in that point" I said to him as I pull him towards the track towards the entrance.

While walking hand in hand. I can't help my self but reminisce everything we've been through up and down, joy and pain. I can't believe that we still ended up together. We might started in a beautiful 'Once upon a time' but, but, I will make it sure that we will end in a 'Happy ever after.

"That. That I promise" I mutter to myself not knowing that I already spoke it aloud making Stevan look at me with confuse look.

"What promise Joy?" He ask gently wiping my cheek. I shake my head and just hug his arm as we enter.







"Wow!" I laugh loudly loing at Joy running around the pathway like a kid.

"Stevan come on!" She giggled as she tug me while jumping to reach the flowers hanges like an arch way.

"Wait Joy!" I chuckled as I carry her like a baby to help her reach the flowers.

"Hahaha! Stevan they're so beautiful!" She squeal kissing me.

My eyes flutter in pure shock as i look at her closed eyes. Not knowing what to do as I was shock as hell to her actions but my patience snapped when she moved her lips to mine, closing my mind I close my eyes, tightening my embrace to her as I hear people clapping at us.

With a smile in my lips I slowly open my eyes when Joy parted her lips to mine giving me the brightest smile that I love to watch until my last breath.

"I love you Stevan" She said making my heart pound fast and hard inside my chest.

"I love you to my wife, my Joy" I say giving her a quick peck and put her down but still hugging her. Roaming my eyes around, I can't help but smile as people and some couples looking at as with smile.

"My wife said she love me everyone!" I shouted in pure happiness and the people around us stop as they clap and cheer for us.

"Keep it up boy!" An old man shouted in front of us while holding the hand of an old lady I thought that his wife.

"I will" I said.







My heated cheeks keep in burning earning a chuckle from Stevan who still is smiling like a puppy.

"Enough already Stevan!" I smack him a little as we finally reach the end of the flower arc way.

Stevan keeps in smiling or chuckling at me as she hug my shoulders.

"I'm just happy Wife" He said making me also smile.

But my smile slowly fades when I saw what was in front of us.



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