35: Date 3

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"Please Stevan? I wanna bring that one? Only one I promise" I plead at Stevan while looking at the huge leaves in the pond. 

"I really wanted those, you know that too well" I urge him as he talk at some stuffs who arrive a minute ago as I tried to jump from this man made arc bridge just to get those huge pretty leaves!

"Joy" With a teary puppy dog eyes, I turn around and look at Stevan with a pleading eyes.

"Please?" I ask him. But then I giggled inwardly when he heave a deep sigh and fetch his phone.

"Oli, come to this garden and ask about this huge leaves, buy some and quickly make a pond in my house" He ordered as I clap and squeal in Joy.

"Thank you!" I said as I run holding his hand to continue our date.







It's getting dark now but Joy is still in full energy as we approach for our tenth destination for today.

"Hear that Stevan? Were getting nearer!" Joy said in enthusiasm as we continue walking with some tourist with us and as we walk further the sound of a soft raging water echoed the surrounding and I can't help my self from smiling while taking picture of Joy as she enjoy looking around.

I was about to take a picture of her in a perfect angle when her bright smile captured my full attention. My focus is on her face smiling inwardly as I look at her happy face.

"I made the best choice" I said to my self and take a picture of her.

"Joy! Come on it's getting dark" I call her and immediately take her hand guiding her to a place where I prepare to myself.







"Are we already there?" I ask Stevan in excitement. We just finished our dinner when he tug me and blindfolded me saying that he has a surprise for me. I keep asking him earlier but he always answer the word "Surprise"

"We are here" He whispered in my ears slowly taking the blindfold in my eyes and as the fabric is out of my sight a sweet melodious sound echoed and the place lightened up making me gasp in awe.

"Me I take this chance to have our first dance as a couple, my love?" He ask and I can't help my self to get emotional as I take his hand and he immediately held my waist, swaying in a slow motion dance feeling the sweet music around us.

"I know that I'm not the best husband you dreamed of but I promise that I will be the best man you want to be with forever" He said while swaying.

I smile at him holding his face in my palms.

"I had and will never dream of other person I want to spent my life with but only you. I know that we didn't start in a happy one but being with you now makes me the happiest woman in the whole world. You make me happy the moment you finally see and chose me. I've long for this moment and now that this is all happening now, I will keep it. I will do everything to keep it. I love you since then Stevan. I love you. I love you with all my heart, mind and soul" I emotionally confessed at him drawing myself near to his face and before I know it my lips collided with his as the music continues.

Closing my eyes I can't help but to smile while savoring this ethereal feeling.

Being with the man you love is the best feeling.

And I pray and hope that this, everything between us...

Will last forever.

LILIES (Huge leaves Joy wanted to bring home)

LILIES (Huge leaves Joy wanted to bring home)

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