Not as bad as I thought (K.B+E.K+I.M💗)

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Baby!Izuku x Reader,Kirishima,Bakugou

Fantasy AU!

I'm running out of ideas help

It's a normal day with you and your friends.Y'all live in one house since a fire burned Katsuki's and Ejiro's house.They both now live with you and Izuku,your roommate.

Every morning you wake up and make breakfast for the four of you but this time Izuku wasn't there.
You wonder what happen to him and send Katsuki to look after him.

„Why should I? It's just stupid Deku.He will be Fine...sadly"he mumbles.

„FINE! I will go"he rolls his eyes and walks out.
You looks at Ejiro to see him giving you a toothy smile while his tail is swinging back and forth.

Ejiro is a shapeshifter.He can turn into a crimson dragon but only if he has enough energy.You didn't mind that but sometimes he accidentally turns into a dragon.Thank god it never happened when he is in the house.

After Ejiro finishes eating and washing the dishes the door gets slammed open by no one other than Katsuki.

„STOP TOUCHING MY HAIR YOU LITTLE SHIT!"Katsuki yells while stomping in.

„Izuku isn't even that-BABY?"you shout.
„Huh what do you-oh.."Ejiro joins.

You two see Izuku with Kastuki but...he is a baby?

„What happened?"you ask while touching Izuku's cheeks,making his giggle.

„I was walking around the forest and suddenly saw his clothes on the ground with him being a baby.I went to buy these clothes so he doesn't walk around the house nacked."Katsuki explains.

„Wow...manly of you to safe someone you actually don't like"Ejiro praises him.

„Shut up shitty hair!"he yells at the red head boy while giving you Izuku.

You kiss Izuku's forehead and play with him while Katsuki and Ejiro are trying to find a solution on how to make him normal again.

„Why aren't you helping Y/N?"Katsuki asks angry.
„What do you mean „why"? Don't you see me being busy with Izuku? I'm already exhausted about doing all the work in this house and now this?"you snap while Izuku is pulling your hair.

„And stop pulling my hair!!"you let your anger out.

Izuku's eyes are getting watery and he brings to cry and scream in your arms.
„No no no no no i'm sorry!
Please don't cry my child!"you try to calm him down

„Your child?"Ejiro speaks up.
„Shut up and help me calm him down!"you panic.

You place him in Ejiro's arms and he swing his tail in front of Izuku.
Izuku finally calms down and now beginnings to my pull Ejiro's hair.

„Why does he like to pull our hair so much"Ejiro whines.

After a while Izuku finally falls sleep on your chest while you are laying on the couch,exhausted.

Suddenly Katsuki slams the door open,making Izuku wake up.
He looks at you scared and starts to cry.
You look at Katsuki angry and pull him by his ear so he is on the same level as you.

„You fucking moron! Look what you've done! Now it's your time to take care of him!"you hand him Izuku.

Before Katsuki could fight back you already throw yourself on the couch and close your eyes to sleep.

Katsuki looks at Izuku and sees him cry loudly.Izuku stops after awhile and just hiccups while grabbing Katsuki's face.
He places him on the counter of the kitchen and makes a bottle of warm milk for him.

He gives it Izuku and he doesn't hesitate to drink it.After 1 Minute he's already done and sleeps in his arms.Katsuki goes to the couch to see you not being there anymore.He walks to your room to see Kirishima placing you in your bed.

„What are you doing?"Katsuki asks.
„Oh Bakubro! Y/N looked uncomfortable on the couch so I brought her here!"Kirishima accidentally shouts.

„Shut the fuck up!!"Katsuki whisper-yells and points at you and Izuku.
Ejiro quietly apologize and Katsuki just rolls his eyes.
He goes to your bed and places Izuku on you so he can sleep.
Izuku grabs your T-Shirt while using your breast as a pillow,drooling.

Katsuki looks at him disgusted and walks out.Ejiro says good night and enters his room.
Katsuki looks at you two one more time before closing the door,smiling a little bit.

Maybe it isn't as bad as he thought it would be with Izuku as a baby.

This is such a boring chapter I'm sorry!!

I just don't have any ideas anymore.

Anyway I hope you like this one <3

Words: 782

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