Firecracker (K.B.💗)

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This idea is from -IZUSSMILE and I'm very sorry that it is so short T-T

[pfp] Babe

Bakugou stares at his phone.should he text you or not?he at first hesitates but then finally sends the message.

Hey Y/N.Could you please come to the roof of the dorms?

PLEASE?? Katsuki are you okey?

I'm coming okey

You immediately stand up and rush outside your dorm.It's midnight and you can't be outside right now but Katsuki acts differently.

You open the door of the roof to see him staring at the moon.

„Katsuki..."you whisper out of breath.
You go to him and sit next to him.

„Are you okey? You don't act like yourself"you worriedly ask.
„I love you..."he just says.

„Katsuki you're scaring me!"

„Fine Fine!"he chuckles.
„I just wanted to show you something"he turns to you.

You just blush and nod.Gifts from Katsuki always special.You love them and he never cares about money he just wants to see your smile.

He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
„You like fireworks don't you?"he asks.

You just nod and you see Katsuki showing you his hands.You look at him confused and see him smirk.

Suddenly you hear loud noises.You flinch and look down to see his hands making explosions.
But not normal ones.

He's making fireworks?You don't care about how he makes it.You just stare at it in amazement and katsuki looks at you with a soft smile.

He removes his arm from your waist and puts it on your jaw.He turns you head in his direction and kisses you.

1000 butterflies enter your stomach and you kiss back.

„I love you"he whispers.
„I love you too,Kats"you smile.

Most boring shit ever sorry

Words: 305

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