Detention (H.S💗)

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You and Sero are on your way to detention.Why?Because Sero threw his ruler at Bakugou and he thought it was you.He walked to you and almost punched you but Sero was faster and taped him.Aizawa didn't liked that and now you two are with him for 2 hours.

You want to open the door but Sero is faster.
„Lady's first"he says smirking.

You laugh and go in seeing a not so happy Aizawa.He stares at you two with sleepy eyes.

„This is all your fault.I should be home right now and where am I? Still in school"he sighs"You two are going to tape these boxes while I go and check what Katsuki does in the other room."he says walking away.

Katsuki needs to be in another room so he doesn't start a he always does.

You and Sero look at the boxes.
„So many....?"you say with widen eyes.

Sero goes to one of them and activates his quirk and tapes the box.

„Oh I've an idea!"you say.

You throw the boxes in the air while Sero tapes them.

Suddenly Aizawa comes when you are about to throw another one.

„Oh and I forgot to say that you two should be careful with them because in the boxes are glasses."he says,going out.

You two look at each other panicking.

„SHIT!"you both say.

You two start to run around and checking if something is broken.

You turn around and bump into Sero.
You fall backwards and you shut your eyes.

You prepare yourself for the pain but it never happens.

You open your eyes to see Sero holding your waist with both of his hands,face close enough for you two to kiss.

You blush and look at his dark brown eyes.You never really payed attention to them and you regret it because they look beautiful and romantically.

You two lean in and share a sweet and gentle kiss.You pull away and he hugs you.

„I love you"he whispers in your ear.
„Love you too"


Aizawa saw all of it and just sighs.

I don't get paid enough for this bullshit

Yeah it's short
I know I know
But I don't have so much time

I'm happy that I even wrote a chapter.

Words: 390

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