Manspreading <3

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Izuku Midoriya
He doesn't manspread often but sometimes when he's tired he sits like that.He sometimes doesn't realize that he is taking space away and when he does he quickly stops and apologizes.

Katsuki Bakugou
He LOVES to manspread.He loves how you get mad when he takes space away or how much your blush when you sit opposite him.The way his arm is resting on his thigh with his legs so far apart just makes you pass out.

Ejiro Kirishima
He is almost like Bakugou but he does it more in private.He hates doing it in public because he thinks it's not polite.He thinks the position is very comfortable but when you sit next to him he of course gives you enough space.

Kaminari Denki
The way he manspreads EVERYWHERE!!!He loves teasing you and if you sit anywhere near him he loves to manspread just to see your cute always easily blush at his compliments in this position.more than usual which makes his smirk.

Hanta Sero
This dude is the definition of manspreading.Where didn't he manspread? In school,At work,In the train,At home,even while making out.He just loves having you between his legs.If you sit on his lap he will probably manspread so you can be between his muscular thighs.Sometimes you even move too much which will cause...big problems...if you know what I mean ;)

Boring chapter!!!
Where is the good stuff?

Good stuff? Never heard of.

Anyway take this and leave >:)
I'm still in my little breaks so...yeahhh

Words: 259

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