Kissing in the moonlight (H.S.💗)

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Yes...another one.I let my mom choose for me because I couldn't decide and she said Sero so enjoy this story with best boy Sero!!!!!
+I'm sorry but this is really short but I still hope you will like this :O

It's night time.Everyone is in their dorm sleeping or just laying down.Not you tho.
You are in your room just drawing some of your favorite anime characters.

Suddenly you hear a knock on the door.
You flinch and quickly grab the bat in the corner of the room.You open the door and hit the person.

„OW!"a familiar voice yells.
You look up to see your best friend and crush Sero.You quickly put the bat away and apologize.

„Omg Sero I'm so sorry.Are you alright?"you ask while touching his head.

„Yeah don't worry.It just hurts a little bit"he chuckles.
„What are you even doing here? It's not allowed to be in the hallway or not in other dorms."you whisper.

„Sorry Iida 2.0.I'm just here to check up on you.Bakugou really gave you a good punch in the face"he notice the bandage on your cheek.

You just glare at him and he smirks.
You let him in and he gladly walks in,admiring your room.
He sees a frame on your table and picks it up.It's a picture of him and you in elementary school.He remembers every detail that happened that day.

He got punched in the face and lost his teeth.He cried about it and you cheered him up by showing him the teeth you lost too.You can see his red and puffy eyes on the picture too.He smiles at the memory and looks at you.

You are laying in your bed with closed eyes while humming to a song.
He runs up to you and throws himself on you.

„ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME??"you yell.He just laughs while laying on you.
Suddenly you hear a knocking on your door.You give Sero a panicking look and he just hides under your bed.
You quickly stand up and open the door.

You see Aizawa looking at you tired.
„What was that noise?"he asks you with an annoyed expression.

„I was playing call of duty sir and my teammate almost killed me."you lie.
He sighs and tells you to go to bed and you just nod.

You close the door and look under your bed.„Sero come out"you whisper but he wasn't there.
You begin to panic and look around your room till you feel two strong but slim arms around your waist.You look at the unknown person to see Sero with a smug smile on his face.

„You scared me"you place your hand on your chest where your heart is.He just chuckles and kisses your forehead,making you blush.

You two stare into each other's eyes while admiring the other.He notice how shiny and beautiful your eyes look in the moonlight and how cute your smile is.

You two slowly lean in and you can already feel his breath tickling your lips.
He softly presses his lips into yours and you two share a sweet and gently kiss.
That's what you love about him.

He teases or pranks you often but he's still caring and nice.You two move in sync as if your lips were made for each other.

He licks your bottom lips to asks if he could enter and you gladly open your mouth a little bit for him to slide his tongue into your wet cave.(I hate that word so much)

You pull away because of the lack of oxygen and try to catch your breath.
„Wow..."you breath out„this was..."
„Magical"he smiles.

„I love you so much Sero.."you hug him.
„I love you too...words can't describe the way I feel toward you."he confesses.

After you two share another kiss Sero leaves the room.You two couldn't stop thinking about the kiss that night which ends up with you two tired the next morning.

I'm still in the plane ;(

It's so fucking boring I could die.
The food is disgusting and those little babies won't stop crying.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter!
Let me know which character you want to see next or just some ideas!

Btw I kinda want to make a Saiki K. Book...would that be a good idea? Idk

Words: 739

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