Shyness (D.K.💗)

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The pic 🛐

You are shy.Yes but not „uwu" shy but awkward shy.You often blush and are clumsy.You hate yourself for it.You make conversations awkward by saying it's awkward.

But there is a person who thinks you are cute because of it.

Yes the one and only Denki Kaminari.

He loves how easy you blush when he use his pick up lines on you.
You are intelligent too which makes you „hot."At least that's what he says.

Right now you are in class.Aizawa isn't here and the class is loud as always.

You are having a little conversation with Ochako because she doesn't understand the task.

You explain it to her and turn your head back to meet a blond haired boy with a dumb smile.

You flinch and are about to punch him but he luckily stopped you.

„Woah I knew you love me but don't need to punch me"he jokes.
You blush and quickly apologize.

„Hey it's fine"he says coming closer.
„W-What Are you even doing here?"you ask flustered.

„I'm a thief! And I'm here to steal your heart,Darling~"he winks at you.

You blush and look away.He place both of his hand on each side of your face and turns your face to his.

„No need to look away.My beauty is here and not there."he says with a smug smile.

Suddenly flowers are coming out of your hair and mouth.That happens when you get too excited,laugh or blush.

Denki loves that reaction of you because you often would freak out about it.Like right now.

You put you hand in front of you mouth and try to stop it.Denki laughs and puts your hand away.

„Hey don't hide it from me.That kinda reminds me of that one magician on my 4th birthday.Hey are you one?Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears~"he cooed

You blush just look down.
Suddenly Aizawa comes in and Denki goes back to his seat.

After school you are on your way home .
The wind is blowing through your hair and the birds are chirp.

But that peace soon gets interrupted by a familiar voice.

„Y/N WAIT!!!"Denki screams.

You stop and look back to see Denki running to you.He gets dangerously close and you wonder when he would stop.

He never did.

He crashes into you and you both fall on the ground.
„ I really fall for you...or on top of you..."he chuckles.

You are about to freak out and you blush again.
He gets up and offers you his hand.

You gladly accept and you two walk together.

At your home you are about to go in till Denki grabs your hand.
You look back and see him being nervous.

„Are you oke-"
„I love you!"he confesses.

Your eyes widen and you slightly squeeze his hand.

„I-I love you too..."you say smiling.
He puts his hand on your cheek and leans in.

You two share a sweet and gentle kiss.
You two pulled away and smile.

You are letting go of him and make your way to the door while you hear him say another pick up line.

„Hey by the way....tie your shoes! I don't want you falling for anyone else"he says,running away.

You just smile and go in.

The whole day you could only think about him which makes you blush the whole day and being more clumsy.

Sorry this is bad!

I wish I could have more ideas but it's kinda difficult :(
I still hope you like this one <3

Words: 607 (*''*)

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