Ghostboy (I.M.💗)

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Ghost!Izuku Midoriya x Reader

You make your way into the lonely house and look around.
So this is my house?hell naw...I knew it would look so dirty when they said it's in the middle of nowhere.

You look around the house while thinking about how to make this place more fancy when you suddenly hear sounds.

You go to the source to see a green haired boy levitating around.He notices your presence and makes eye contact with you.

„AHHHH"he shouts surprised.
You fall on the ground out of fear and shock.He goes to you and asks if you are okey.

You just look at him and pass out.

You wake up to hear him mumbling something.
„why would she come here?I didn't see a human in decades..."

He notice you opening your eyes and stutters out if you're okey.
„Wh-at are you?"you quickly stand up.

„No please don't be scared!I'm just a ghost...I can't even touch you"he comes near and touches through you.

You calm down and ask him some questions.
„Are here more people like you?"
„Yeah...a werewolf and a vampire...Kaccan and shoto"he chuckles nervously.

„But you shouldn't talk to them...they are a bit..mean with humans.A-are you a hunter?"

„Huh? No I just moved in here."
„MOVED?? Wow you really have some balls-I mean-no i-You're a girl you can't-what I mean"he blushes.

„I know what you mean...what's ya name?"

„Izuku Midoriya! and you?"
„Y/N L/N"you smile.

Suddenly you two hear a knock on the door.
„W-huh? I will check who it it's"you rush to the door.

„No wait-"
But it's too late.
You alread opened the door and see nothing?

„Boo!"suddenly a hairy man jump in front of you.

„AHHH!!!"you scream and shut the door.
He opens it and grabs you by your collar.

He sniffs on you like a dog and goes a little bit too close down...
You push him away and he looks at you angrily.

„Who are you!!"he growls.

„Kaccan!! Don't attack her!She owns the house!"Izuku defends you.

„huh? You bought this shitty house?Ya have a brain or something?"

You feel angry and just huff.You angrily ignore him and go to the kitchen to see a bi-colored boy who is drinking something red.He has fangs and a black cape.

„VAMPIRE???"you shouts.
He just looks at you neutral and you stare at him.
You go closer and are about to touch him till Izuku comes in.

Too late again...
Todoroki pins you to the ground and is about to bite you but Izuku manage to get him off you.

„Don't you know what vampires are??"
„he didn't do anything so I thought..."you mumble the rest.

„Are you hurt?"he asks you worriedly.
„No I'm fine"you smile.

You go upstairs and look that's your room?nice!

You start to clean a bit till you hear the door getting opened.
It's Izuku.

„Hello!! I'm just making sure you are okey"he gives you a big and bright smile.

„I'm okey...I'm just kinda angry at Bakugou..."
„Yeah he's always like that"he nervously chuckles.

„ have a TV?"you ask him.
„I-oh yeah why?"

„Wanna watch a movie?you can invite the loud dog and the vampire too"you giggle.

„Oh you mean Kaccan and Todoroki...sure!"he rushes downstairs and you hear a lot of yelling and screaming.

Damn is that dog boy alright? Like mentally?

„They said they want to watch with us"he smiles.


You are already sitting on the couch with izuku and Todoroki next to you.Bakugou doesn't want to sit with you guys and decided to sit on the a dog.I mean he kinda is a dog? Werwolfs are technically dogs right?

You four watch a horror movie and every time you flinch because of a dumb jump scare.
Someone could literally randomly pick a picture and make it appear with a loud sound and you would flinch.

Izuku whispers to you that you shouldn't be scared and you just roll your eyes.

„I'm not scare-"


You quickly shut up and watch the movie.
After a while you slowly start to feel tired and lean against Izuku,forgetting he is a ghost.You fall through him and your head is now on the couch.

„Oh are you tired?"

„SHUT THE FUCK UPP!!!!!!"Bakugou yells.

You roll your eyes and nod.He levitates so you can lay on the couch.
You smile at him and he gives you a shy smile back.

I will never move away from here...

Real talk how can people read this shit?

Words: 819

𝗆𝗁𝖺 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz