Summoning you (I.M.💗)

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I couldn't decide which character I will use for this idea so I just do all 5 of them!

This one is the Izuku one and the next ones will come soon!!

Enjoy!! ☆〜

You take the red paint and start to paint the floor of your bedroom.You take the demon book your friend uraraka,the best witch in Enkanomiya.

You open the book on the right page and start to read it out loud.

You start to stutter a bit but could still summon him.

The red paint starts to burn and flames are everywhere.Out of fear you step back to see a green haired boy coming out of the portal.

He at first looks confused and looks around till he sees you.He screams and hides behind your bed.

„W-who are you? And why did you summoned me? Don't kill me please!"he asks scared and levitates around your room,trying to find a way out.

„no! I don't want to kill you! I just want someone to talk to"you try to sound calm.
He stops and turns around to see your face.You don't look like the other ones who summoned him and wanted to kill him.

He slowly flies to you and looks at your face.At first your eyes and then your lips.He brings his hands to you face and touches your lips with his pointer.


„AH! S-sorry! I aren't many girls in the demon world and I once bought a romantic book from this human world and t-they said that girls l-lips are soft"his clothes turn red while explaining.

You touch your lips and nod.
„They're soft.What else did you read that isn't normal in your world?"you ask him out if curiousness.

„uhm...kissing a girls cheek or l-lips"his clothes turns redder.

You just smile at him and giggle.
„You're so sweet.I always thought demons are blood thirsty monsters."

„I aren't wrong"he says and looks away.
„My childhood friend Kaccan is like that"he mumbles.

„DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!!"you hear an unfamiliar voice shout.

You see Izuku flinching and he quickly goes to you and clings into you like a hug.

„S-sorry!"he shouts back.

You look back at Izuku too see him leaning in.

He almost touches your cheeks with his lips till he realizes what he's doing.
„Ah sorry! I didn't-I just-I just wanted to look how it feels an-"

„Then do it."


„W-what?"his eyes widen and you see his clothes turning pink.

„I mean I summoned you and I'm bored so just kiss me"you shrug your shoulders.

He nods and slowly leans in.At first he hesitates but then places a little kiss on your cheeks.
He sees your cheeks turn pink and ask if you're alright.

„Yes of course.Just continue"you smile.
He nods and looks at your face.
He slowly leans in and asks again if that's alright.

You sigh and say yes before he smashes his lips into yours.The kiss is short but gentle.

He pulls away and quickly hides his face in his clothes.

„Izuku! Please come home! Dinner is ready"you hear a sweet female voice call him.

„Is that your mom?"

„Y-yes.sorry I need to go..."he apologizes.

„It's fine! Oh it okey if I summon you often?I like talking to you"you ask him.

He quickly nods his head and waves at you before returning his own world.

„What a cutie..."

„I-i heard that"you hear a quite voice say.

This one was 100% better than the Bakugou one

I hope you like it too!

Words: 626

𝗆𝗁𝖺 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 Where stories live. Discover now