Love you too (K.B.💗)

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I kin Bakugou so's not even funny anymore.

Your quirk is cat!
You have cat ears and a cat tail.
You can make your claws come out of your hand.
You can see at night and you can jump very height.

It's a normal day like always.
You wake up,
Put on your uniform,
brush your hair so you can't see your cat ears,
And make lunch for you and Katsuki.

You always make lunch for him because you notice that he never eats anything.

You make mochis but in heart form and sandwiches.
You wash strawberries and put them in.

You close the two lunchboxes and put them in your backpack,running to school.

On your way you meet Izuku!
He's your best friend beside Denki and Sero.You love the three of them because they always help you when you need them.

„Hello Izuku!"you greet him.
„O-Oh it's just you.Hi Y/N"he gives you a little smile.

You two start to talk about school and your project.

You and Izuku got paired up for a project about a fighting combo with your quirks.

Arrived you sit next to Sero.
You smile at him and he smiles back.

„Hay!! How are you,Seroo??"you ask.
„I'm fine.How are you?"

„I'm fine too"you smile"but I still don't forgive you for killing my dog"you finish still smiling.

Sero could see in your eyes that you are very mad at him and probably are even ready to kill him.

„Y/N I swear it was an accident!!
And beside it's just Minecraft? Why are you still thinking about that stupid-„


Hearing you say his full name always makes Sero shut his mouth as fast as he can.

„I loved him! I had him since I was 10!"you say,playfully hitting him on the head.

„Sit down and listen carefully because I'm not gonna repeat myself!"Aizawa says while entering the room.

You quickly sit down and stare at him.

„It's about the project...Remember that I gave you all 2 weeks?"he asks looking around,seeing everybody nodding.

„Good because I will shorten your time to 4 days-„before he could finish his sentence Denki interrupts him with a loud scream.


„Sure I can.I just did."

You look over to Izuku and see him sweating...very much.

You look at the person in front of Izuku.

Katsuki Bakugou.
Your kindergarten crush.

You rest your hand on the palm of your hand and just stare at him with hearts in your eyes,madly blushing.

𝗆𝗁𝖺 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗌 Where stories live. Discover now