Rain (H.S.💗)

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I want to squeeze and bite Bakugou's chubby cheeks.

You sit in school and take notes.
You can hear Denki whispering about weird shit to Sero while Deku is muttering next to you.

Suddenly you hear Denki scream.

You look outside and see that he is right.

He gets scold by Aizawa and need to go in front of the door for 5 minutes.

After school you wait in front of the school till the rain stops.

You forgot your umbrella and now you are stuck in school.Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you.

You turn around to meet a tall figure.He is a little bit far away and the shadows won't let you see the unknown person.

Because of the rain it got a little bit dark outside because the grey clouds are hiding the sun.

The person goes to you and steps in the light.It's Sero!

Sero is your crush.When you met him at the first day in UA he saved you from a robot.

Since then you two always talk and hang out.

„Heyho Y/N!"he say leaning against the wall with his hands in his pocket.
„What Are you doing here?"he asks.

„I forgot my umbrella..."you say,looking outside.

„Oh no! The Miss perfect forgot something!"Sero says with a fake shocked tone.

You just roll your eyes.You hate it when he calls you that.He gave you that stupid nickname because you are in the top 5 best students in your class1-A.

„Anyway....I have an umbrella"he says,showing you his black umbrella while smirking.

„You want me to take you home?"he offers.

You just blush and look down while nodding.He opens his umbrella and grabs you by your waist.He pushes you to him so you can both fit under it.
He holds the umbrella while you just cling into him.

You two walk outside and make your way home.After a while you two see s little black cat in an alleyway.

You two walk toward it and you try to pet it but it just take his claws and cut your hand.

„Ouch!Stupid cat..."you mumble.
Sero knees down and looks at your hands.

„Damn...that cat really got you didn't it,shortie?"

„I'm not short! You are just so fucking tall!"you shout.He laughs and stands up.

You two arrive at your house and you are about to go in till Sero stop you by grabbing your wrist.

„Wait! I can't let you alone with a wound on your hand."he says in a worried tone.

You think a second and then just nod,letting him in.

You see him looking around your house while smiling like an idiot.

You take out the first aid kit and are in the process of treating your hand but Sero takes it away and takes your hand.

„Hey! I do that! Why should a gentleman like me let a hurt princess like you do that?"he smirks while slowly treating your hand.

You just blush and smile a little.
After he's done he goes outside without his umbrella.

You take is as fast as you can and run outside in the rain.

„SERO WAIT!!"you shout running toward him.You suddenly trip and are about to fall but in this moment sero turns around and catches you.

„Y-You forgot your umbrella...."you mutter.He smiles and takes it.

„Didn't I tell you yesterday you should tie your shoes? We don't want you to fall for another person do we?"he says with a smug smirk.

You just stare at him and look into his beautiful dark brown eyes.

Wow....his eyes are beautiful...

You both slowly lean in and kiss.You warp your arms around his neck while he place his hands on your waist.

You both pulled away because of the lack of oxygen.

„Wow..."you both said in sync.

„That was my first kiss..."you say while blushing.You look up to see him blushing too.

„Mine too...Y/N I love you"he confesses.

You just smile and say „I know...Denki told me"you giggle.

„WHAT?! He promised he wouldn't tell anyone!!"he whines.

„It's Denki what did you expect?"you say,making you both chuckle.

Wohooo another chapter :))
I hope you guys like this one <3
Yesterday was Sero's birthday and I fucking forget it </3
I read my manga and I read his introduction and suddenly I see his birthday!

Anyway Happy Birthday Sero <3

Words: 755

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