1. Lioness

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Bran shot and missed, he didn't have the knack for archery. Climbing was a different story, he could see as high the clouds it seemed.

'Go on fathers watching.' Jon told him and they looked up to the balcony to see Ned and Catelyn looking down at them. 'and your mother.' Jon added. Bran pulled back the bow but he missed it went flying into the trees. The boys laughed while Bran tried for another arrow.

'Which one of you as a marksman at 10?' Ned called down and their laughter silenced. 'Go on.' Ned said watching them.

'don't think too much.' Jon agreed

'Relax your bow arm.' Robb told him, a arrow hit the target but it wasn't from Bran's bow Arya stood behind victoriously bran chased after her.

'Lord Stark... Mi'lady, the guardsmen just rode in from the hills they caught a deserter from the nights watch.'

'Get the lads to settle their horses.' Ned told Theon and he headed off.

'Do you have to?' Catelyn asked incredulously

'He swore an oath cat.' Ned reminded her.

'The laws, the law mi'lady.'

'Tell Bran he is coming to.' ned added.

'Ned. 10 is too young to see such things.' Catelyn informed him.

'He won't be a boy forever,' Ned reminded her, 'and winter is coming.' He said walking off.


'I know I broke my oath, I know I am a deserter. I should've gone back but I saw what I saw. I saw the white walkers!' the boy told Ned scared out of his mind. 'I need to get word to my family. I need to tell them... tell them I'm sorry.' Ned nodded and his men put the boys head down Ned pulled his sword forward.

'In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon and first of his name king of the andals-' ned began.

'Don't look away' Jon told bran 'he will know if you do.'

'Lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm. I lord Eddard the house Stark, Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north sentence you to die.' He lifted his sword bringing it down quickly upon the deserter.

'You did well,' Jon told Bran. Ned approached his son.

'Do you understand why I did it?' Ned questioned him.

'Jon said he was a deserter,' Bran said while fiddling with his horses saddle.

'Do you understand why I had to kill him.' Ned clarified.

'It is the old way,' bran told him. Ned nodded

'The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.' Ned reminded him.

'Is it true about the white walkers?' Bran asked

'White walkers have been gone for thousands of years,' Ned assured him.

'so he was lying?' Bran questioned.

'The man sees what he sees,' Ned told him. 'Time to go home.'


'What is it?'

'A mountain lion?' Theon suggested.

'There are no mountain lions in these woods.' Ned told them they walked around the dead moose cautiously looking for the creature that killed it before they stumbled across a wolf, a dire wolf and a pack of puppies.

'It's a freak.' Theon exclaimed.

'It's a dire wolf.' Ned corrected. 'Tough old beast.' he pulled the antler free of its chest attacking the moose, an antler must have gotten stuck, killed the dire wolf.

'There are no dire wolves south of the wall.' Robb remarked

'Now there are five.' Jon said picking one up 'you want to hold it?' jon passed one off to Bran

'Then where will they go?' Bran questioned 'their mother is dead...' he held the puppy in his arms

'They don't belong down here better quick death.' Ned told them and Theon got ready to kill the pups but Bran cried out. 'They won't last without their mother.' Ned informed him.

'All right give it here.' Theon said trying to pull the pup away from Bran but he clutched the pup to him protectively.

'No!' Bran screamed

'Put away your blade.' robb demanded

'I take orders from your father not you.' Theon reminded him

'Please father,' Bran begged

'I'm sorry Bran,' ned told him

'Lord Stark?' Jon said 'there are five pups one for each of the stark children, they are your house sigil, you were meant to have them.' Jon reasoned. Theon still held the blade to the pup still waiting for command.

'You will train them yourself you will feed them yourselves and if they die... you will bury them yourselves.' ned agreed and Theon handed Bran back the puppy back, as Jon picked up the other ones handing them off to Robb and Theon

'what about you?' Bran questioned

'I'm not a stark.' Jon answered as the puppy snuggled into Bran. They were leaving when they heard the wrestling's of another puppy Jon pulled it free it was all white

'The runt of the litter.' Theon said 'that one's yours snow.'


'What if he doesnt like me?' Amelia Lannister was the most beautiful woman in westeros. She was kind and passionate and so beautiful. Sandor didn't know how a woman like her could be so self conscious. At 14 she was stunning heart and body and nothing like her twin brother. When sandor was 15 himself right after roberts rebellion he had been sent to the capital to guard the twins. They had appreciated his efforts in the rebellion a few years prior and this was a suitable reward. Sandor didn't think babysitting was a good reward but he liked Amelia, she was sweet and had a heart of gold, Joffrey was a shit.

'He would be a fucking idiot if he didn't fall in love with you on the spot.' Sandor told her honestly and Amelia smiled up at him a flutter in her chest.

'Thank you Sandor.' Amelia told him softly a blush on her cheeks.

'Am I making the little Lion blush?' Sandor teased.

'Stag,' she corrected.

'With hair like yours.' Sandor shook his head his fingers touching waves of golden hair. 'Lioness.' He whispered in her ear. 

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