81. Drop The Attitude

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'As soon as we heard of the wall falling I called all our men back... when can we expect your people to arrive?' tyrion was sat at the high table his eyes drifting to Amelia and sandor eating and talking at one of the back tables. He was so happy she was alive, she looked healthy, strong, safe. He hoped that Cersei believed him, that this could end with Amelia reuniting with Cersei. Tyrion knew that Cersei wasnt a good person, but she loved her children and now Amelia was the only one left.

'We need more horses and wagons if it pleases my lady and my Lord. And my queen' the boy, Ned Umber added looking from Sansa to Jon to Daenerys.

'We will give you as many as we can spare'

'We need to send ravens to the night watch as well' Jon said

'Your Grace... But you're not are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a... I'm not sure what you are now a lord? Nothing at all?' Alys Karstark questioned.

'That is not important' Jon told her immediately.

'Not important? We named you King in the north' Alys said and the men rallied behind her. Sandor banged his fist in the table joining in on the excitement.

"Sandor," Amelia chuckled grabbing his arm. 

"The little lord hasnt taken his eyes off of you since we got in here." Sandor remarked. 

"Well, we did have a wonderful morning." Amelia remarked vaguely and Sandor stared down at her. "What? I didn't say anything." 

"How does that work?" Sandor countered glancing across the room at Bran. 

"I'm sure know how sex works, I shouldnt need explain it to you at your age." Amelia teased and Sandor nudged her. 

"His legs." Sandor clarified. 

"Are immobile, yes but everything else works perfectly." Amelia informed him. 

"Look at you blushing." Sandor chuckled. 

"Because you are family and talking about this with you is strange." Amelia whispered. 

'You did my lady it was the honor of my life and I will always be grateful for your faith but when I left Winterfell I told you we need to make allies or we will die. I have brought those allies home. I had a choice keep my crown or protect the north. I chose the north' Jon told them

'If anyone survived the war to come we will have Jon Snow to thank.' Tyrion told them moving around the long table. 'he risked his life to show us as a threat is real thanks to his courage we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen we have brought two full grown dragons and soon the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause' he added and there was an uproar 'I know I know our people have not been friends in the past' tyrion reminded them 'but we must fight together now or die.'

"Tyrion was always a good talker." Amelia remarked. 

"And you were a quick learner." Sandor recalled. "I heard you saved the littlest stark." 

"Thanks to you." Amelia informed him. 

"You always were good with a bow." Sandor agreed. 

"It's my favorite." Amelia agreed. 

"You didnt like to get your hands dirty.' Sandor countered. 

"You should have seen me go up against Arya." Amelia grumbled. 

"You kill her?" Sandor mused. 

"No, she cut me up good though." Amelia informed him moving her cloak and he looked at the cut on her arm. "I'm fine, but the bitch cheated." Amelia assured wrapping her cloak tighter.

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