58. Lia Clegane

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Heavy snow was falling as Meera was dragging Bran through the forest. Bran's eyes are glazed white. He experienced many visions of the past all at once. Meera staggered tripping over the ice and fell against the base of a tree. She put all her weight into pulling the sledge Bran was on, but it didn't budge. The sounds of creatures, walkers getting closer and they were trapped. She fell to Bran sobbing, cradling his head.

Bran was oblivious to the dangers though as he continued to have rapid fire visions, a group of wights running through the woods, coming right at them, Meera sobbed out she didn't want to die, if she died if Bran died that meant her brother died for nothing.

Bran woke a deep breath in his lungs as he looked to Meera.

" Meera. They found us." Bran informed her. Meera looked out into the woods and saw the group of wights.

"I'm so sorry." Meera sobbed hugging him. The wights converged on them and Bran thought this was the end, he closed his eyes accepting his fate. But moments before they reach them, a cloaked rider appeared. The rider's horse kicked one of the wights out of the way, then the rider extended a chain which lit on fire at the end. Two wights charge, and the rider hit them both with the chain, setting them on fire. Bran and Meera watched in amazement.

A third wight tried to attack his horse, but the horse's bulk rebuffs it into a tree and it crumbled before them. The rider plunged a chain sickle into the chest of another wight, then rode forward, dragging the wight behind his horse. He set another wight on fire with the chain, launching it into the air, before looking to Bran and Meera, they stared at him, hearts racing, pounding in their chest.

''Come with me, now.'' Benjen told them looking to a large group of wights approaching. ''The dead don't rest.'' 


'I thought it would make me happy but it doesn't... not really.' Arya said as they rode.

'nothing makes you happy.' Sandor said.

'lots of things make me happy,' she interjected.

'like what?' sandor spat.

'killing polliver, killing rogue.' Arya told them.

'so you're not happy because you didn't get to kill him yourself?' sandor questioned. 'it that it?''

'at least I could have been there to watch. I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he knew it was over.' Arya said darkly as she glared over at Amelia. The path was uneven and Amelia kicked at rocks as she went, she was glad to be rid of Arya, she was getting on her last nerve. 

"Stop staring at me when you talk about your kills you little cunt!" Amelia spat. Arya snarled back at her. 

'aye nothing in the world beats that look...' sandor agreed. "But if you dare touch my Amelia, I will skewer you." Sandor warned but Arya just scoffed. 

'You protected him  and this bitch-"

"Watch yourself girl." Sandor hissed. 

"-for most of their life," Arya went on ''do you think you could've saved him?' arya questioned as they made their way closer and closer to the veil.

'I wasn't the damn wine taster...' sandor grumbled

'Little shit deserved to die' arya added. Amelia stared over at her. 

"You deserve to die yet you are still here." Amelia grumbled. 

"Aye, but poison, poison is a woman's weapon men kill with steel' sandor reminded them. 

"I know Tyrion didnt kill him." Amelia said confidently. 

"No?" Sandor countered. "He was a shit to the imp."

"He was a shit to everyone." Amelia murmured. 

'That's you and your stupid pride talking, that's why you will never be a skilled killer.' Arya informed him. 'I could've killed Joffrey with chicken bone if I had to!' arya informed them.

'I'd pay good money to see that' sandor said chuckling, but he glanced down to Amelia pulling her closer, reassuringly. 

'poison is too quick for Joffrey.' Arya told them. "Too quick for you." 

"Girl." Sandor demanded. 

"I think I would like to poison Arya." Amelia remarked. "The long goodbye, it takes weeks and you watch the person slowly fade with nothing to help them... just fading away painfully." Amelia sneered at Arya. 

"You would never get the chance." Arya spat. 

"Lucky for you we are here and I dont have to test that." Amelia countered. Sandor smiled down at her as he pulled at his neck where he had gotten bit.

'You should've let me burn it' arya told him

'It's a flea bite' he told her

'It's a flea bite that's got you walking a lot slower than you used to.' arya informed him.

'Shut it arya," Amelia warned.

'Well I won't have to walk much further' as they near the veil they passed guards along the narrow trail

'Do you really think my aunt is going to pay for me?' arya questioned,

'I hope so' Sandor grumbled

'I've never even met her!' arya exclaimed.

'Doesn't matter you're her blood. Family honor all that bullshit all you lords and ladies ever talk about.' Sandor told her.

'I am not a lady ,' arya corrected.

'You are a pain in the ass." Amelia agreed. Arya glared back at her. "What? I'm agreeing with you." Amelia told her smugly as Sandor pulled up her hood higher on her head. Blonde hair like hers didnt go unnoticed. 

'Who would pass the bloody gate?' a guard called out to them

'The bloody hound.' sandor called out 'Sandor clegane and his... traveling companions Arya Stark, niece of your lady aryn' sandor looked to Amelia.

'Lia Clegane.' She answered sweetly and a smile quirked on his lips as she said it.

'Then let me offer my condolences lady Aryn died three days ago.' The guard told them.

Arya burst out laughing she looked up at Sandor and continue to laugh and laugh, it echoed throughout the valley.

'you didn't see that coming, did ya?' arya said still laughing. sandor turned around grumbling, 

"Let's ditch her." Amelia suggested as they turned around. "She clearly thinks she can handle herself."

"Fuck you too Lannister." Arya hissed. 

"Did you not hear?" Amelia mused. "I'm Lia Clegane now."

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