12. Summer

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"do you think he can hear us?" Rickon asked as they sat on either side of Bran.
"I think so." Amelia offered. She bent forward stroking Summer's fun, she rolled over giving Amelia her belly to rub.

"What do I say?" Rickon questioned. Amelia and Rickon had been spending a lot of time at Bran's side as Robb awas trying to adjust to being the new lord of witnerfell. Catelyn was a wreck. When she wasn't making witchcraft dreamcatchers she was sobbing. Amelia knew this must be hard but it was like Catelyn forgot that she had two sons that needed her.

"Whatever you want." Amelia offered. "Hello Bran... today is very snowy." Amelia began. 'but I suppose every day is Amelia mused. "Summer misses you. Rickon is teaching the pups spins but they only listen when he spins as well." Amelia went on and Rickon smiled up at her. "Go on," Amelia encouraged.

"I miss you Bran. I want you to wake up." Rickon told him.

"Me too." Amelia whispered.

"Can we stay here tonight?' Rickon asked.


"I miss him Amelia."

"We are going to get him back." Amelia assured.


'It's time to review the accounts my lady... do you want to know how much this royal visit has cost us?'

'Talk to Paul about it.' Catelyn said distractedly.

'Paul went South with Lord Stark my lady you need a new steward and there are several other appointments that require our meeting.' The maester went on.

'I don't care about our appointments.' Catelyn spat

'I will make the appointments.' Robb said 'we will talk about it first thing in the morning.'

'Very good my lord.' the maester said 'my lady.' He turned back to Catelyn before exiting

'When was the last time you left this room?' Robb asked

'I have to take care of him' Catelyn told him

'He's not going to die mother the master has assured us that the dangerous time has passed.' Robb assured.

'I do not care Brandon needs me.' Catelyn told him defensively.

'Rickon needs you,' rob corrected 'he is six he does not know what is happening he follows Amelia around all day crying she tries to comfort him but he's scared and confused. He needs his mother.' the wolf started to howl outside

'Close the windows I can't handle that make them stop!' Catelyn said in outrage, her hands over her head she marched out of the room just as Amelia was coming in.

"Is she alright?" Ameila questioned watching her storm off.

"No," Robb said softly as he looked out the window. 'Fire.' Robb noted 'you stay here I'll come back.' he said kissing her quickly. Amelia moved around to look out the window only to see a fire blazing below. She looked to Bran sitting on the edge of his bed fixing his covers when she heard a creak in the floor.

'You're not supposed to be here...' she spun around to see a guard staring at her but it wasn't a Stark guard., 'no one is supposed to be here... it's a mercy. he's dead already...' the guard said coming at Bran.

"What?" Amelia stuttered looking between them. "NO!" Amelia declared

"Princess no, I won't hurt you."

"You wont hurt Bran either!" Amelia declared.

"I have to." He told her.
"Says who! I'm a princess who outranks princess!" Amelia countered. "Put the blade down and leave, you haven't done anything yet. Leave now and I wont have your head." Amelia reasoned her eyes scanning around the room for a weapon, something to fend him off until Robb got back.

"I don't want to hurt you, Princess." He said again but his gaze shifted to Bran and he lunged.

"NO!" Amelia screamed pushing him back, she tried to grab the blade but had a blade at her throat she gripped it her hand bleeding in the process she bit him trying to get him to stop but he threw her to the ground. They would kill him if he hurt the princess, his target was bran, but summer came tearing at the man protecting her master, once dead Summer jumped up on the bed sitting next to Brandon her dead kill bleeding out on the floor.

'Good girl Summer.' Amelia whispered a shaky breath in her lungs as she pulled herself up as Catelyn ran in.

"What happened?" She demanded running to Bran.

"He came... he wanted to..." Amelia shook her head sitting back down on the floor leaning against the bed. "Is Bran alright?"

"Yes." Catelyn agreed.

"Good." She whispered as she fisted her hand blood dripping onto her dress as her adrenaline rush faded and she felt her racing heart pounding in her chest making her dizzy.

"Ame-AMELIA!" Robb declared seeing her on the ground head in her blood hands.

"I'm fine." She whispered.

"What happened?" he stepped over the dead man kneeling before her.

"He wanted to... kill Bran." Amelia whispered.

"You stopped him." Robb said proudly as he pulled her into him.

"I tried... Summer did all the real work." Amelia informed him.

"Thank you Amelia." Robb told her kissing her head but Catelyn moved around the bed picking up the blade, she wasn't so sure Amelia was innocent in all this. "Let's get your hand looked at."


'Who are they?' Jon questioned nodding over to the men they were bringing to the wall. Tyrion put his book down looking over at the men.

'Rapers. They were given a choice no doubt' Tyrion said as three men were untied and brought next to the fire. 'Castration or the wall,' Tyrion told Jon 'most choose the knife...' Tyrion admitted and saw the horrified look on jons face 'Not impressed by your new brothers? Lovely thing about the watch you discard your old family and you get a whole new one.' Tyrion told him, going back to his book.

'Why do you read so much?'

'Look at me and tell me what you see.' Tyrion asked him

'Is this a trick?' Jon asked.

'What you see is a dwarf. If I had been born a peasant they might've left me out in the woods to die. Alas I was born a Lannister of Castlery rock. Things are expected of me. My father was the hand of the King for 20 years-' Tyrion reminded him.

'Until your brother killed that King' Jon remarked

'Yes.' Tyrion agreed 'until my brother killed him.' Jon sighed so this was to be his life now? ''Life is full of these little ironies.' Tyrion said 'My sister married the new king and my repulsive nephew will be the king after him.' Jon stared across at him 'But I must do my part for the honor of my house. Wouldn't you agree? But how?' Tyrion asked 'well my brother has a sword and I have my mind and I need books like a sword needs a whetstone, that's why I read so much Jon Snow.' Tyrion told him. 'And you? What's your story bastard?'

'Ask me nicely and maybe I'll tell you dwarf.' Jon said calmly. Tyrion laughed.

'A bastard boy with nothing to inherit, off to join the ancient order of the nights watching alongside his valiant brother in arms.' Tyrion told and Jon glanced over at the rapers they had picked up anxiously.

'The nights watch protects the realm from...' jon began.

'Yes yes' Tyrion agreed, '-against grumpkins and snarks. All the other monsters your wet nurse warned you about.' Jon's eyes flickered back and forth, maybe he was making a mistake. 'You're a smart boy you don't believe that nonsense.' Tyrion told him and Jon looked back over at his new brothers, 'everything is better with some wine in your belly too,' Tyrion said throwing him a pouch. Jon took a long sip.

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