65. Surrender

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Ramsay, Smalljon Umber, and Harald Karstark met with Jon, Sansa, Tormund, Davos, and Lyanna Mormont joined together at the battlefield the day before the battle. Jon offered Ramsay a chance to settle their dispute with a one on one combat but Ramsay refused.

Of course he did. Amelia looked over at Ramsay, so pompous but she assumed that most thought of Joffrey this way. But Joffrey wasnt a fighter, he was a run and hide or bark orders boy. 

'look at my army Snow. Look at yours.' Ramsey told him. 'why would I fight you when I know with almost complete certainty that you will lose... but if you surrender, I will pardon you, Jon for breaking your Night's Watch vows, as long as you hand Sansa over to me. she is my wife after all.' Ramsey sneered.

'I want proof that Rickon is alive.' Sansa demanded. Ramsey nodded and one of his men brought forward the severed head of Rickons direwolf, Shaggy dog. Amelia choked in a breath when she saw him. 

'We refuse your offer of surrender.' Amelia informed him through a shaky breath and Sansa was not happy that Amelia was speaking up but Amelia didnt care. 'you can fight Snow or myself and get this over this....' Amelia shouted back.

'Princess... I almost didn't recognize you... my you have aged nicely. The word of your death was greatly exaggerated. Look at you.' Ramsey said looking her over.

'look at me.' Amelia repeated through gritted teeth. 'and look at you. There is no victory for you Ramsay, give Rickon back and you can leave with your life, thats more than im sure you deserve." Sansa stepped forward but Jon held her back. 

"She is doing well, leave her be.' Jon hissed. 

'Perhaps when this is done-' ramsey began.

'when this is done you will be dead.' Amelia told him. 

'you are going to die, Ramsay. Tomorrow.' Sansa agreed before storming off.


The armies gathered the following morning but Ramsay brought out Rickon.

'Rickon, he's here,' Amelia said looking out onto the field. "Jon I know you dont trust me, but I'm a good shot. Let me help." amelia begged.

"I don't trust her." Sansa sneered. 

"Say what you want about the Lannister name but I loved Bran and Rickon." Amelia begged with Jon. "Let me try and save him."

"Alright." Jon agreed and Sansa let out a groan of her disapproval. "Be careful." 

"I Don't care about me." Amelia countered. "I just want him safe." 

Amelia readied her bow. Ramsay was telling Rickon that they were playing a game. Jon stepped forward, Amelia kept her bow pointed at ramsay but he was just out of reach and she didn't want to set him off, while they still had rickon. Jon jumped on a horse riding towards rickon. Amelia kept her bow pointed at ramsay as she walked briskly getting closer and closer. 

"Amelia?" Rickon whispered. He was a man, he wasnt a little boy anymore. But she assumed she looked a bit different as well. Ramsay told Rickon to run towards Jon and Rickon did. Rickon saw Amelia in the distance running towards him, he saw jon, riding fast, so Rickon ran.

"I need more height." Amelia muttered grabbing Tormunds horse. 

"what are you doing?" Tormund questioned. 

"I will bring him back." Amelia assured, mounting a horse, her legs gripped tight as her bow aimed at ramsay as they rode but they were too damn far.

'AMELIA!" rickon shouted.

'Ramsay!' Amelia called out as Ramsay brought out a bow. 'ENOUGH!' Amelia pleaded. Jon desperately rode out on a horse to try to save Rickon, as Ramsay fired arrows at him. Ramsay appeared to have no intention of hitting Rickon with his few shots missing shooting around him making rickon jump in fear but he kept running. 

So Amelia started shooting back.

 'RAMSAY!" Amelia demanded. Ramsay ducked behind a horse, peering out as Amelia put in a new arrow. Another arrow went flying towards Rickon and Amelia saw the path it was taking she shifted her focus from Ramsay to Rickon, her arrow hit Ramsay's arrow veering it away as jon jumped down his body and his horse blocking Rickon. 

 Ramsey ducked for cover.

With Jon now defenseless in the middle of the battlefield and the Bolton cavalry charging at him, Bolton archers fired volleys of arrows in his direction. Davos commanded the Stark cavalry to follow their commander and they began their charge to meet the Bolton cavalry.

"Are you alright?" Jon asked looking to a shaking Rickon. He nodded hugging Jon tight. Jon glanced back at Amelia as she kept shooting but Ramsay was running. "Thank the Gods for Amelia." Jon murmured holding him close. He looked to the arrow that was meant for Rickon, splintered by Amelia's arrow. 

After luring Jon's army forwards, Ramsay executed his own pincer movement with his infantry, completely encircling the Stark and Wildling army. The Bolton army continued to press their advantage, with interlocking spears from all directions forcing Jon's army closer and closer together.

"Amelia get Rickon safe." Jon demanded as she rode to them offering Rickon a hand up. 

"With pleasure." Amelia agreed. He hugged her tight as she turned around pushing through the Bolton's brigade. 

 Jon saw ramsay safely hidden behind his army. But they were circled with no where to go. But the most unlikely of heroes emerged. Petyr Baelish and Sansa arrived with reinforcements courtesy of House Arryn. The Knights of the Vale quickly flanked the encircling Bolton army, which was quickly slaughtered. 

Ramsay looked around at his fallen men before huffing out a discouraged breath and retreating from the battlefield. Ramsay returned to Winterfell and closed the gates.

"You saved me," Rickon whispered. 

"Jon did." Amelia corrected as she hugged him tight. "Look at you." She said holding his face in her hands. "Last I saw you, you were-"

"Dancing around naked in the bath?" Rickon mused hugging her tight.

"Oh, my Gods." Amelia both laughed and cried as she hugged him to her. 

"You saved me." Rickon repeated. Amelia caught sansa's glare and reluctantly released Rickon.

"I think your sister wants to see you." Amelia whispered kissing his forehead. 


'we are breaking down those gates.' Amelia informed jon.

'yes commander.' Jon teased.

"Sorry." amelia whispered. "Just-" she circled her hands in front of her. "Adrenaline." she remarked. 

"We couldnt have gotten Rickon back without you." Jon remarked. "What do you think?" Jon nodded to winterfell. 

'I have had quite enough of the Boltons.  We breech the damn gates and finish this.' Amelia suggested. 

Their forces managed to breach the gates, and the remaining Bolton forces are defeated, rasmey knew he was beat.

Ramsay finally accepts Jon's offer to a one-on-one duel, while wielding a bow and arrow.

Jon stepped forward grabbing a nearby shield, Jon skillfully blocked all of Ramsay's shots with it, Jon got closer with every step until he was close enough to smack the bow out of Ramsay's hands and hit him to the ground, once down ramsey pleaded but Jon furiously punched Ramsay's face into a bloody pulp. He panted for breath as Jon stood up.

'cant finish?' ramsay wheezed.

'the kill is not for me.' Jon said wiping his blood from her hands. He looked back to sansa. 'if you want to that is.' Jon added.

Jon ordered Ramsay locked up and the remaining Boltons surrender, restoring House Stark's hold on Winterfell. Sansa asked Jon for Ramsay's whereabouts, and he directed her to the kennels, where she killed Ramsay that night by setting his own hounds on him.

"Sandor would have liked that." Amelia whispered. 

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